November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Vol 9, Issue 10 Your … News Nov 2012.pdf · 2013. 1. 7. · November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 - [PDF Document] (2024)

November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Vol 9, Issue 10 Your … News Nov 2012.pdf· 2013. 1. 7.· November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 - [PDF Document] (1)

Senator Mark DalySeanadóir Marcus O’Dalaigh

KenmareHospital isheading towardssecond fix

Mob: 086 803 2612

Tel: 064 66 32467 • Fax : 064 6685904 • Mobile: 087 2461678E-mail: [emailprotected] • Johnny Healy-Rae MCC 087 2354793


Clinics held in theAtlantic Bar and all

surroundingparishes on aregular basis.

Michael Healy-Rae T.D.

064 6641404Kenmare Furniture Bedding & Suites

OPENING HOURS: MON.-SAT.: 10am-6pmKenmare Business Park, Killarney Road, Kenmare.Email: [emailprotected]:

Come in and see the fabulousnew ranges now in stock

M: 087 2904325

Cllr. PatrickConnor-Scarteen

Rural Jobs StrategySee Page 16

Sean Daly & Co Ltd, 34 Henry St, Kenmare T: 064-6641213

Sherry FitzGerald DalyAUCTIONEERS & VALUERS T: 064-6641213

Beann naMara,Dawros,Kenmare

Panoramic sea view of Kenmare Bay & Dinish IslandBuilt in 1970’s – 3 bed - 900 sq ft

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Asking Price: €135,000

TAXI KENMAREDenis & Mags Griffin

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Talk to us FIRST - 064-6641213We Give Excellent Quotations.

Sean Daly & Co LtdInsurance Brokers

Before you Renew your Insurance (Household, Motor or Commercial)

November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Vol 9, Issue 10


Your Community,

Your History.


coming soon!

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Double celebration forCiara!Ciara Palmer was onher way to celebrateher 21st birthday withher family and friendsyesterday when herboyfriend DarrenHarrington got downon one knee andproposed to an amazedCiara, who was thrilledto say yes!pic Harry Masterson

Kenmare Mobile: [emailprotected]

fotoWWeeddddiinnggss,, PPrreessss,, PPoorrttrraaiittss,, PPrriivvaattee ffuunnccttiioonnss,,A revolution in thewedding album; The wedding [book] up o 70 pages, full page, imagesand two-page panoramas. CALL TO VIEW SAMPLE

Page 2 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Baby Charlotte RoseEllen O'Mahonywho was christenedin Holy CrossChurch on October20th, with herparents Patrick andKaren O'Mahony,and GodparentsVincent and FionaO'Leary. pic Harry Masterson

See our fabulous Halloween pictures onour facebook page

Thank you to all the wonderful photographerswho sent in their fabulous pics from HalloweenHowl. Unfortunately as most of them weretaken during the hours of darkness many ofthem were too dark to print but we have afabulous array to look at on our facebook page.

The December edition of The Kenmare Newswill be published on Monday December 17th and closing

date for submissions is Monday December 10th.THE KENMARE NEWS, 4 DAVITT PLACE, KENMARE

PHONE 087 2330398 / 087 [emailprotected]

Tuosist Social History Project is on the home stretch now! We arein the process of editing the many articles we’ve received, andsorting through the hundreds of photos to illustrate the many andvaried aspects of life in Tuosist. However, as with all worthwhileprojects, funds are necessary to keep the momentum going, so therewill be a Table Quiz in the Sailor’s Bar on Saturday November 17that 8.30pm, with a raffle and some great prizes. Come along, have afun evening, and support this worthy cause. A date for your diary, the last open meeting of 2012 will be held inthe Parish Hall on Thursday November 29th so come along andcheck on the progress. Information from Kathlyn on 086 8125015.

VeronicaRiordan andKieranO'Sullivanpicturedfollowingtheir weddingat KenmareBay Hotel.

pic HarryMasterson

Kenmare picked up theawards for best athleticsand best modelling at therecently held communitygames awards night.Pictured are PennyCrowley and JeremiahMcCarthy who receivedthe awards on behalf ofthe Kenmare Communitygames. Well done to allchildren, coaches andvolunteers involved.

Mary O’Leary, An Cupan Tae, with some of her customers whosupported her Breast Cancer Awareness coffee morning whichraised an amazing �1050. Mary thanked the local businesses whohad supported her raffle, the winners of which were Mary Hussey,Pat Gath, Dick Elder, Patrick Scarteen, Robert, Mairead Fitzgibbonand Anne Sheehan. pic Harry Masterson

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 3

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TIPS FOR YOU AND YOUR PARTNERSnoring happens when you can’t move air freely through yournose and mouth during sleep. It occurs when the soft tissuestructures of the upper airway collapse onto themselves andvibrate against each other as we attempt to move air throughthem.People with very loud snoring are likely to cause considerable problems

for their sleep partners. Also it can lead to poor sleep and daytime fatigue,irritability and increased heath problems for the person who snores.According to the Irish Sleep Apnoea Trust, 69% of us will snore at somestage in our lives. Bearing in mind that a loud snorer can reach 90 decibels– around the same volume as truck traffic – it can also strain a relationship.As everyone might snore for a different reason it is most important to findout why you snore: Alcohol or sleeping pills can cause a marked relaxationof the throat muscles making snore more notable in most people. Also agecan contribute as your throat becomes narrower and the muscle tone in yourthroat decreases as you reach middle age and beyond. Nasal and sinusproblems, such as when you have a cold, can make inhalation difficult andcreate a vacuum in the throat leading to snoring.Last but not least, being overweight can have a negative impact, too,

because excess fat deposits in your throat narrows the airway space. Auseful way to pinpoint the reasons why you snore is to keep a sleep diary tomonitor snoring.Thankfully, sleeping in separate bedrooms isn’t the only remedy for

snoring, there are many things you can do on your own to help stopsnoring: Avoid alcohol or sedatives in the evening hours, also do withoutcaffeine and heavy meals within two hours of going to bed. If you areoverweight, even losing a bit of weight can reduce fatty tissue in the backof the throat and decrease or even stop snoring. Keep your bedroom moistwith a humidifier, because dry air can irritate mucous membranes. When itcomes to sleep posture, try to sleep on your side rather than on your back.However, if your own efforts to stop snoring do not help, consult yourdoctor as snoring can sometimes be a warning sign of more seriousproblems. Be particularly aware of the following symptoms: You snore loudand heavily and are tired during the day. Or you stop breathing, gasp orchoke during sleep. If you are looking for more information about snoringand possible solutions please call into McSweeney Pharmacy and we willbe more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

Enjoying Halloween Howl were Ciara Riney, Niamh Batty, PaulO'Rourke, Emily Egan and Valerie Gaine. pic Harry Masterson

with Christine Bender-Pototzki

ASK YOURPHARMACISTHow to stop snoring

Kenmare Gift and Food Fayre will take place on Sunday 9thDecember at the Kenmare Bay Hotel from 12-6pm. Can youmake or bake? Then enter our Christmas competition and Impressthe judges with your jam or preserve making, christmas cakedecorating or floral table decorations, and win one of our greatprizes. Just drop your entry off at the hotel by 11am on the dayfor judging. In addition to a range of stalls selling seasonal gifts,there will be a dedicated food court at the Fayre selling a range oflocal and home-made produce. There will also be live musicthroughout the afternoon, children's craft workshops and fooddemonstrations. Find us on Facebook or [emailprotected]

Arriving soon the all newJonsered CS 2260 prochainsaw loaded with

new features!

Winterdeals onall newchainsaws,selection ofgood usedchainsaws alwaysin stock.Leaf blowers • Pole sawsHedgecutters • Oregon Log HorseGenerators • Consaws • Chain oil •2stroke oil • Chainsaw files etc.

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Workshop: 086-8688447Landline: 064-6685487

End of seasonspecials onStrimmers,Hedgecutters &Lawnmowers.• Full range of JonseredChainsaws now in stock

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• Oregon Chainsaw chainfitted while you wait

• Stocking Oregon Chain,files sharpening machines,combi fuel cans, chain oil,Jonsered 2 stroke oil,grease guns and more.

Christmas is on the way.Buy your Husband anew chainsaw forChristmas and we

will throw in aFREE GIFT

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End of season deals on all gardenmachines stocked .

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 5

Marie Harrington, Kilgarvan, who celebrated her 21st birthdaywith her family and friends in Reilly's Bar on Saturday October20th. pic Harry Masterson

Dancing Down The YearsA story like all stories.....!

Once upon a time in1989 a group ofyoung people fromBonane andKenmare gottogether and decidedthey would reviveset dancing. They introduced ‘highset dancing’ in the area, at firstthis raised a few eye brows as itwas breaking the traditional ‘flatset’ which was danced in thearea at the time, however this sooncaught on and more sets followedin this new style. And like all goodstories it had a happy ending as in 1981 the Sheen Valley set wonthe county final!To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Sheen Set Dancerswinning the county final in 1981, there will be a dance in theKenmare Bay Hotel on Saturday November 24th, with music bythe Breens. There will be a waltzing competition on the night.The evening will commence at 8pm with a showing of the film‘The Legend and Music of The River Sheen’ which was madethat year. As we are all still around and still able to dance (maybenot as lively as we were 30 years ago!) we would love ifeveryone could come and join us for a night craic agus ceoil. For more information please contact Patsy on 087 2219359,

Mary on 087 6523348 or Stevie on 087 2433894.

PicturedenjoyingthefabulousHalloweenParade inKenmare

You can now orderonline for all your homeheating oil, commercialheating oil and tractordiesel requirements.

Blackwater WoodturnersUnique hand-crafted Christmas Gifts

Woodturned bowls, platters &Xmas tree ornaments

Gifts for the whole family !!!

Visit our Gallery at Blackwater BridgeDay or Evening visits - Phone 087 8399472

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Kenmare Hospital is headingTowards second fixGlenbeigh Construction are happy with thecurrent progress to date and hope to havethe project completed by mid-2013. Thesecond-fix plumbing works are scheduled tobegin in early December. The electrical andmechanical systems which were commenceafter august will also commence second fixbefore Christmas. Currently, GlenbeighConstruction are now undertaking theplastering of internal walls and ceilings.

Working with Kerry CountyCouncil and SneemDevelopment Co-OpSneem Development Co-Op and I haveinvited Kerry County Council seniorofficials to visit the village and attend ameeting. The aim of the meeting is tohighlight the poor state of the roads andfootpaths in Sneem. Kerry County Councilengineers have agreed to try and securesome funding as part of this year’s councilbudget. Sneem Development Co-Op hasdone great work throughout the years andthe lack of progress on the infrastructure isunacceptable. Kerry County Councilconfirmed that Sneem Development Co-Opwill make a presentation to the next meetingof the Killorglin Local Electoral Area.

Footpath and Street Lightingfor on the Major Road andWalk leading to Ard BhearnaEstate

Ard Bhearna Estate with in which a largenumber of young residents live, lacks afootpath and adequate lighting to guidepedestrians to and from town. Effectively,residents are asked to take their lives intheir hands and walk along the N71protected only by a yellow line. I havebrought this issue to Kerry County Counciland proposed a site visit for Councillors andengineers so that they can see forthemselves the dangers faced by all theresidents of the Ard Bhearna Estate anddiscuss the feasibility of plans being drawnup as soon as possible. I have also spokento the County Manager about the issue andasked him to release the budgetary fundsnecessary to undertake this very urgentproject.

Briefing with CongressmanBruce Morrison onUndocumented Irish in theUnited StatesI invited Congressman Bruce Morrison tocome to Leinster House on Tuesday, 13thNovember. The Congressman outlined thecurrent prospects for a resolution on theissue of the undocumented Irish followingthe recent election in the United States.With approximately 50,000 undocumentedIrish in the United States this is a topic ofconcern to many of us as it affects many ofour families and friends. CongressmanMorrison is one of the recognised leaders inthe United States on the immigration issueand is the creator of the Morrison Visa.

Huge cuts to home help hoursmuch be reversedThe huge reduction to home help hours inKerry and throughout the country is havinga devastating effect on thousands offamilies and despite promises from theGovernment to limit these cuts, the realityon the ground is a lot different.

I have raised the plight of many elderlypeople in receipt of home help assistance

that havehad theirhoursslashed ortaken awaycompletely.I have hadcontact withmanyfamilies thathave beendevastatedby thesecuts, theysee no sensewhatsoeverin cruellyreducing

and ending the home help assistance hours.

People in Kerry and throughout the countryare being stripped of their independence,dignity and their right to independent living.These cuts cannot be justified and, I amcalling on the Government in Kerry to putaside party politics and put pressure on theMinister for Health to reverse this decision.

If you are concerned about thisissue or would moreinformation, please do nothesitate to contact me.Kenmare: Every Saturday Morning, SeanDalys Office, 34 Henry StKilgarvan: Sat 1st December ,Caherdaniel: Sat 1st December ,Blind Piper & Freddies Bar,Castlecove: Sat 1st December ,Staigue Fort Hotel,Sneem: Sat 1st December,Community Centre,Blackwater: Sat 1st December ,Blackwater Tavern,Templenoe: Sat 1st December , SpillanesBar,Dawros Sat 1st December , Sailors Bar,Ardea: Sat 1st December , Lake House BarLauragh: Sat 1st December ,Kilmackillogue

Is mise le meas,Senator Mark DalySeanadóir Marcus O’DalaighLeinster House, Teach Laighean,Kildare Street, Sráid Cill Dara,Dublin 2. Baile Átha Cliath 2.Tel: +353 (0)1 618 3830Fón: +353 (0)1 618 3830Fax: +353 (0)1 618 4669Facs: +353 (0)1 618 4669Mob: +353 (0)86 803 2612Fón Póca: +353 (0)86 803

Page 6 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Séan, Clionia, Dylan, Cillian, Caragh, Caoimhe on the campaign trail recently.


Senator Mark Daly and Sean O'Suilleabhain.“I am continuing to work with localsregarding the Kerry Way and hope a solutioncan be found in the coming months.”

November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Vol 9, Issue 10 Your … News Nov 2012.pdf· 2013. 1. 7.· November 2012 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 - [PDF Document] (7)

Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 7

Kenmare residents and visitorsagree that the Town's HalloweenHowl was a ‘howling’ success. Theevent benefited from strongsupport from the Town's businesscommunity and some welcome niceweather.There were special events throughout the

weekend at Dromquinna Stables, the AtlanticLodge, Eclipse Pony and Activity Camp, StarOutdoors and Kenmare Golf Club.The event kicked off on Saturday 27thOctober, with the Humpty Dumpty Duathlon,a 40 kilometre cycle and 6 kilometre run thatbegan at 12noon at the Brook Lane Hotel.Saturday afternoon featured the showing ofthe comedy film ‘Hocus Pocus’ at theCarnegie Arts Centre. Later that afternoon,Maureen O'Shea hosted a ‘Witches Kitchen’on Henry Street. Halloween Howl officiallykicked off on Saturday evening with apumpkin carving competition and bestdressed window competition in the TownSquare, followed by a fancy-dressed disco in

the Vibe Nightclub above Ryan's Bar.The fun continued on Sunday with a

Halloween breakfast and brunch at the TrufflePig, Ghost Trips on Kenmare Bay withSeafari, Witch Wookey's Halloween tea andtreats at Cupan Tea, a Halloween experiencefor kids at Faungrowth Activity Centre, and avisit to a Haunted Forest organised by theKenmare Swim Club.On Monday the Adult Education Centre inBell Heights hosted a Halloween Arts andCrafts program. Later that afternoonHazelwood on the Castletownbere Roadhosted tours of its Haunted HouseExperience, with children and their parentstransported on the Spooky Shuttle Bus to andfrom the town square. Maureen O'Sheahosted another Witches Kitchen and the CahirNational School Parents Association hosted aTweenies Halloween Fancy Dress Disco.On Tuesday Kenmare Library hosted

Theresa O'Sullivan and her ghostly tales forchildren. The family Halloween movie thatafternoon at the Carnegie Centre was‘Casper’, and there was a Pumpkin Parlour at

Tom Crean's Food and Wine Courtyard thatevening, and story telling for adults at PFMcCarthy's Bar.On Wednesday, the last day of the Howl,

there were more story-telling sessions forkids; face painting at Nest shop, the WitchesKitchen, and a Zombie Photo Booth wherekids could dress up for ghoulish photos. Thegrande finale was the Halloween Parade aschildren and adults gathered to ward off themarauding ghosts and goblins. TheHalloween Night celebrations continued withGames in the Green, fun for all with all sortsof traditional and spooky games that tookadults back to their childhoods and gave kidsa real chance to experience old-fashioned funwithout a computer in sight!Kenmare's Halloween Howl was produced

by the Social & Events Committee of theKenmare Chamber of Commerce andTourism, with support from AIB, theKenmare Credit Union, the Kenmare BayHotel & Resort, Failte Ireland and the ArtsCouncil.

By Stephen Johnson

Kenmare Halloween weekend deemed a howling success

Garda James Hendrick visited BrightSparks Montesorri School as part of RoadSafety Week to talk to the children aboutRoad Safety awareness. Also last monthBright Sparks held their annual BreakfastMorning in aid of Childline and raised anamazing �875 for this fantastic charity.Miriam thanked everyone that attended,donated, baked and helped out on the day.

Kenmare Bay Hotel & Resort

20%discount for mid-week weddingsT: 064 66 41300

E: [emailprotected]

Licensed venue for Civil Ceremonies

Booking now for 2013 and 2014.Call Sue to arrange a show around

and a chat about your wedding

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OPENING HOURSMon, Tues, Wed: 10am - 4.30pm

Thursday: 10am - 6pm • Friday: 10am - 7pmSNEEM SUB OFFICE

Open Thursdays from 12noon - 1.30pm

Kenmare Credit UnionKillarney Road

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Phone 064 6642111 / Fax 064 6642121Email: [emailprotected]

You may recal l that i n one o f my arti cl es a whi l e ago I to l d you o fcatching a trout i n The Caha Lakes whi ch had a decompos ing frogs tuck in i ts gul l et. It surprised me at first when I saw a leg which seemed tobe growing out of either side of its mouth. Well, something similar hashappened again but this time to my friend Eric. As you know, I was not able tofish The Cahas this year, and you will remembers one of the lads who did had anasty experience when he slipped on the slimy rocks on his descent and got abad blow to his head (he is now fully recovered). All this upset pushed Eric’sstory to one side. Fishing one of the upper lakes he hooked and landed a goodsize (for those waters) trout of about 3/4 of a pound. Usually he releases themagain, but this was such a nice plump fish that he decided to keep it for hisbreakfast.On arriving home to put it into the sink and got scissors to slit it open andclean it out. Like me he got a surprise because in the trout’s stomach was amouse, not a small shrew or a doormouse but a fully grown specimen of housemouse, and not decomposed either. Here is the question. One, what was it doing

up on The Caha Mountains and, two, how did the trout catch and indeed swallowit? I know you are thinking, another fisherman's story but truth is oftenstranger than fiction. What worries me is are The Caha Trout a sub species likethe Piranha fish in South America? Davey, who wades out up to his neck whenfishing these lakes, could be attacked by a shoal of frog / mouse eating fishand, instead of the lads helping a man with a bashed head down the mountains,they will bringing down a skeleton from which all the flesh has been eaten, By,gosh, this angling is becoming a dangerous pastime!Michael H and I were asked down to Waterv i l l e to s ee the s ea troutand salmon hatchery and to di s cus s the di fferent probl emsas s o ci ated wi th fi s hing in our area. The enthusiasm of the local clubdown there was fantastic and all credit to them, and we hope success. TheFingerlings (small fish) in the tanks were wonderful to see and they were takingsome of them out that very day to re-stock some streams. Obviously re-stocking does not work everywhere but if one could only get people to worktogether for the common good we would be a mecca for angling tourism here inKenmare. As one person said, a lot of people are only watching each other tosee are they doing more business then them, howmany in their guest house,hotel or shop, instead of all working together to improve business generally intheir areas. Before we came home Michael and I drove up to the top ofWaterville Lake (Lough Currane). The day was bright and sunny but freezingcold. We parked the car with a good view of the lake and had our lunches, theflask’s of hot tea and sandwiches were every welcome and the views across thelake and up to the mountains was something else. What a beautiful area, we arelucky to live here.Idri s was tel l i ng me o f hav ing great sport fi s hi ng fo r mul l et, a mostdifficult fish to catch but he seems to be a master at it. Floury McCarthy R.I.P.and myself got so frustrated trying to catch them years ago that we used toshoot them instead! Floury had a black retriever called Grouse who used to dive

AnglingNotes...WithJohn O’Hare

Page 8 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Baby Jessie’sChristening Day

Baby Jessie May pictured withparents Lyndsey Hill-Cottinghamand Bryan O'Shea, godparentsVictoria Hill-Cottingham and CianO'Neill, and grandparents at herchristening on Saturday 3rdNovember.

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 9

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Page 10 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Halloween Howl brings strange sights to Kenmare streets!pics courtesy Raymond Ross

Tangney Carpentry LtdAll carpentry and joinery services

All areas covered in Cork and Kerry.

Contact Bobby 087 7723150


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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 11

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Page 12 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Time to take Aloe VeraPoor diet, stress, caffeine, over-processed foods and many morefactors can all lead to less than tip-top health. Aloe Vera, with itswealth of essential nutrients, can help redress the balance. Aloeworks on our immune system, replenishing the nutrients asrequired. Aloe Vera contains amazing healing properties such asinhibiting pain and reducing inflammation. It is excellent as acoagulant, cicatrisant, cell regenerator, digestor, detoxifier,rehydrator, is nutritious and also contains 17 of the 23 amino acidsrequired by the body.Just some of the reasons to drink it include;1. A general tonic for good health2. A useful source of vitamins3. A useful source of minerals4. Anti-inflammatory and pain killing effect5. Antiviral activity6. Increases the activity of fibroblasts7. Effect on the skin8. Effect on gut flora9. Assists in healthy digestion10. Effect on the gutIf you would lke to find out more, or order, contact Suzanne on 0872286182.

Kieran andVeronicaO'Sullivan foundtime on theirWedding Day toenjoy some timewith KenmareHospital Staffpast and presentwhere Kieranworks as thechef. pic MaryO'Neill.

BBooookk OOnnlliinnee:: kkeennmmaarreewwiinntteerrwwoonnddeerrllaanndd..ccoomm

TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr bbeeiinngg ssoooooooo ssccaarryy!!The Social & Family Events Committee and thewider Chamber of Commerce would like to thankeveryone for their support in making Kenmare’sfirst dedicated Halloween festival such a scarificsuccess.

So many families from Kenmare and beyond, as well as ourmany visitors from afar, got into the spirit of Halloween andtook their children to the many events on throughout the fiveday festival culminating in our annual Halloween Parade whichattracted the largest turnout to date.Well done to all those who entered the pumpkin decoratingcompetition and treated to us to such visual delights aroundtown and we hope to see even more creative masterpieces nextyear!

We really appreciate and are grateful to all the businesseswho displayed the pumpkins and who also made such a hugeeffort in decorating their windows and premises this year, itreally made a huge difference to the town.Finally, to all those who gave their time so generously tocreate, organise or steward events and who made this festivalpossible, we are so lucky to have such talented and generouspeople in Kenmare.We look forward to an even bigger and better festival next year.

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 13

Kenmare Credit Union NewsAs part of the spookily successful Halloween Howl festivalKenmare Credit Union held a super prize draw for all theirmembers to celebrate the occasion. For one week, all memberswho visited the credit union had their details entered in the drawand the lucky winners were revealed in a Halloween party onFriday October 26th. The lucky winners of �50 each were ShaunaO’Sullivan and Dave Smith.A big thank you is owed to all the staff at the credit union andMiriam Egan from the Board of Directors who organised the scaryshindig. Congratulations to the organisers of the Halloween Howl,it was a howling success and a suitably gruesome time was had byall! Pictured are some scary characters at the credit union party…..

Harry Masterson's photograph shows baby Jack Luke O'Sullivan,pictured with his parents Denny and Anna O'Sullivan, godparentsKate Broderick and Michael O'Sullivan and family and friends,following his christening in Bonane Church by Father MichaelMoynihan.

JohnnyHealy RaeM.C.C.

Main Street, Kilgarvan087 235 4793

Your local Councillor

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Page 14 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Kenmare Library would like to thank everyone who participated inthe Children’s Book Festival and Halloween activities in thelibrary; John Sexton, writer, poet and playwright; Emer Guihan ofthe local Drama Group, Teresa O’Sullivan, and the schools whotravelled in from the country to participate. And of course thevalued audience who contributed so uniquely to each event. A bigthank you to all. We look forward to meeting you all again soon.Carmel Moriarty/ Jamie Doolan Kenmare Library

Killowen, Kenmare.Telephone: 064 6641100

Our family run home is located in the beautifultown of Kenmare, close to all local amenities.We offer a home away from home, allowingresidents and family members the peace ofmind of living in a comfortable, professional

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Our services include• Music • Reminiscence • Sonas Therapy • Daily Exercise• Arts & Crafts activity • In house massage• Fun for Birthday and Special Occasions• Weekly Mass in our chapel • Daily church broadcast• In house hairstylist, or by appointment• Laundry Service

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• 50 bed purpose builtnursing home

• 3 spacious enclosedcourtyards

• 3 day rooms and2 meeting rooms

• Chapel• Mature gardens• Beautiful dining room

SenatorMarie MoloneyConstituency office openMonday - FridayConroy Hall, Killarney064 6632034

CLINICS HELDConroy Hall, KillarneyEvery Saturday from 11am

KenmarePhysiotherapy Clinic

Henry Street, Kenmare086 1068505Back / Neck PainSports Injuries

Musculoskeletal ConditionsAcupuncture

Joanne GaffeyMISCPMCSP BSc (Hons)

Darren GaffeyMISCPMCSP BSc (Hons)

Chartered Physiotherapist • VHI / QUINN / HIBERNIAN approved

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 15

Kerry CountyBoardChairmanPatrickO'Sullivanmakes apresentation toMike CareyKenmare inrecognition ofyears of serviceto Kenmare

Kerry County Board ChairmanPatrick O'Sullivan presentsMickey Ned O'Sullivan with aDVD of Kenmare's victory over DrCrokes in the 1987 Senior

Kerry County Board ChairmanPatrick O'Sullivan presents PatSpillane with a DVD ofKenmare's victory over DrCrokes in the 1987 Senior

Kenmare District Board Officials pictured with KerryCo Board Chairman Patrick 'Tatler' O'Sullivan andhis father Eddie at the celebration. Timmy CliffordP.R.O. James Rochford Treasurer, Sean O'SullivanChairman of Bord na Nóg, Michael O'Sullivan ViceChairman, Tadgh O'Donoghue Kilgarvan Delegate,Eddie O'Sullivan County Board Delegate, Patrick'Tatler' O'Sullivan County Board Chairman, PhilHarrington Secetary, Mick Granville TemplenoeDelegate, Eddie 'Tatler' O'Sullivan Trainer of the1987 Crokes Team and P.J. McIntyre Chairman

Kerry CountyBoard ChairmanPatrickO'Sullivanmakes apresentation toMick Granvillein appreciationof severaldecades ofservice toKenmareDistrict Board.

Victorious 1987 Kenmare District team honoured

The Kenmare District Team, 1987 Senior County Champions, were honoured on their 25th Anniversary with a celebration in Con'sRestaurant last month, and also during the Senior County Final between Dr Crokes and Dingle in Tralee on Sunday 28th October.The 1987 Team, Management & Selectors. Paddy Moran Kilgarvan Selector, James Moriarty Kenmare, Mike Carey Kenmare Selector, PatSpillane Templenoe, John O'Sullivan Morgan Kenmare, Pat Twomey Kilgarvan, John Rice Templenoe, Donal McCarthy Kenmare, JohnKeane Kenmare, Mickey Ned O'Sullivan Kenmare, Timmy Palmer Kenmare, Sean Finnegan Templenoe, Arthur O'Sullivan Kenmare, TomSpillane Templenoe & his son Conor, Patrick Doyle Templenoe, Pat Condon Kenmare & Mick Granville Chairman of Kenmare DistrictBoard in 1987. Front Row; L-R; Teddy Harrington Tuosist, Denis O'Sullivan Tuosist, Patrick ‘Tatler’ O'Sullivan, Current Chairman of theKerry County Board, P.J McIntyre, 1987 Team Trainer and Current Chairman of Kenmare District Board, Eddie ‘Tatler’ O'Sullivan Trainerof the defeated 1987 Dr Crokes Team, Tommy O'Sullivan Kenmare the 1987 Kenmare Captain, Eugene McCarthy Tuosist & Mike SpillaneTemplenoe. Also on the 1987 Team but missing from the picture are Mike O'Shea Kenmare, Danny O'Sullivan Kenmare & Kevin RiceTemplenoe. all pics Mary O'Neill

CCoouunnsseelllliinngg//PPssyycchhootthheerraappyy..MMiicchhaaeell OO’’lleeaarryy.. MM..AA.. ((CCBBTT))

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The National Roads Authority hasrecently carried out an examination ofsignage in the area. They are attempting tohave less signage, although in certain placesthere should be less clutter, I pointed outthat signage is essential to find certainlocations. I have also requested that theyinclude signage for Bonane, Kenmare Pier,Kenmare Tourist Office, Reenagross Park,and that they move signage on ShelbourneStreet which is causing an obstruction,further signage for Sneem is also needed.Monthly motions.My two monthly motions for the Novembermeeting of Kerry County Council are asfollows:1. That Kerry County Council outline how itis planning for the future in terms ofinfrastructure and communications to makeit more attractive for companies to set up inthe County.2. That Kerry County Council request theTransport Minister Leo Varadkar and the

National Roads Authority to allocatefunding to complete the Kenmare EasternRelief road in 2013.Killorglin Electoral Area Meeting. Thenext area meeting will take place on 7thDecember in Cahirciveen, If anyone wantsme to raise any issues for their area at themeeting please contact me before themotions deadline of Monday 19thNovember.Lauragh- bad bend. Earlier in the year Imade a submission for the erection of abarrier at the bad bend in Lauragh wheremany traffic accidents occurred. TheCouncil replied that they made a submissionto the National Roads Authority for 2013 asthe deadline for 2012 had passed at thetime, I have again reminded the Council tokeep the pressure on in relation to it.Local Government Reform. One of themost radical of the Government’s reformshas been the abolition of Town Councils,Kenmare never had a Town Council due tonot having a big enough population,however we managed fine without a TownCouncil by having a Councillor in KenmareTown. However other reforms are also totake place at local Government level, theprecise details are not yet known, onepossibility in Kerry is that the number ofelectoral areas is to be reduced from 5 downto 4. I will be campaigning to ensure thatthe Kenmare, Sneem, Kilgarvan, Tuosist

and Bonane areas are kept together in whatever boundary changes are made.Pat Spillane- Jobs strategy for RuralIreland. I am delighted that Minister for theEnvironment, Community & LocalGovernment Phil Hogan has appointed PatSpillane as Chairman of the newCommission for Economic Development ofRural Areas. Pat has always been vocal andpassionate about preserving and enhancingrural Ireland which has experienced greatdifficulties especially in the last 10 years.He has a great knowledge and experience ofthe difficulties facing rural Ireland. Thecommission will have consultation withemployers, unions, farm bodies, communityorganisations and the public sector to form astrategy for the medium term economicdevelopment of rural areas and in combatingrural unemployment. Members of the newCommission will not receive a wage and thecosts of the commissions work will beminimal.Capital funding for Youth Projects andPlay Facilities. Although greatimprovements in the area have been made inrecent years for facilities for children andyoung people, people may have ideas foradditional improvements. Minister forChildren & Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgeraldhas announced funding of �2.25 Millionnationally for such projects. If anyone hasany ideas on applying for such grants forour area feel free to contact me to discussmaking an application.Success of Festivals in Kenmare.Welldone to Kenmare Chamber of Commerce &Tourism’s John O’Sullivan and Committee,Helen Mac Dwyer and the social and eventscommittee, all the voluntary organisations,individuals and businesses for makingHalloween extra special in Kenmare thisyear. Great effort was put in, the place waslooking fantastic, numerous events wereorganised and its was very enjoyable foreveryone especially families and children.This follows on from a magnificent FoodCarnival during the summer and I am surethe upcoming Choral Festival on 30thNovember to 2nd December will be equallyas popular and enjoyable. All the newlyorganised events in addition to existingevents along with Kenmare having furthersuccess in the Tidy Towns is givingKenmare a great image and creating apositive and vibrant feeling in the area.Brendan Griffin TD holds clinics on thesecond Monday of every month, in thefollowing: D O’Shea’s Bar, Sneem 7.15-7.30, the Atlantic Bar 8pm-8.30pm, theLake House, Tuosist 8.45-9.00.Alternatively Brendan’s office can becontacted directly on 066 9795666Minister Jimmy Deenihan TD’s office canbe contacted at 068 57446Local Councillor Patrick Connor-Scarteen087 [emailprotected] available at 5 Main Street,or I will call to your home.

Cllr PatrickConnor-Scarteen’R E P O R T

Page 16 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Dr. Bobbi Kestler, ChiropractorMobile: 087 2982697


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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 17

CChhaarriittyy SSwwaapp SShhoopp TTaakkee TTwwooSometimes we all hanker for a new dress, shoes or ahandbag to bring a fresh lease of life to our wardrobe,but the credit crunch has made guilt-free spendingsprees a thing of the past for some of us. Fear not, however, because clothes-swapping is the latest money-

saving trend among budget- and fashion-conscious 'recessionistas'. Andwith vintage-chic the look of the moment, there's never been a bettertime to get second-hand swapping, or 'swishing' as it's been named.So here's the plan. You bring along your fashion treasures (clothes,

coats, evening wear, shoes, bags, scarves, jewellery – clean and in goodcondition) to Carnegie Arts Centre from Thursday 8th November(Opening days Thurs/Fri/Sat 10am -5pm) in preparation for theUltimate Girls Day Out which will take place on Saturday 17thNovember, and this time we are upping the girlie factor.First we will show the chick flick classic ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ at2.30pm, the store will open straight after the film and remain open until7.30pm.Entry is €10 for which you will receive a passport which entitles youto 3 items to take away. Eyes bigger than your Purse? No worries, anyitems in excess of your passport will be priced from between €1 - €10. All funds raised will go to Carnegie Arts Centre Kenmare, a vital

resource for our community. For more information and drop-off timesplease ring 064 6648701.

The Canvas Club really enjoyed the spooky craft camp held inKilgarvan. The children had a great time making toffee apples,witches hats and assorted Halloween crafts. Pictured are Shawna,Gabby, Leah, Rebecca, Helena, Kathy, Niamh, Kelly, Eva, Mia,Rhianna, Rebecca, Bridie, Jessica, Liam, Christine and Yvonne.

The Parents Association of the new St. Johns National School inKenmare hosted a well attended coffee morning and socialgathering at the Lansdowne Arms last month. The event raisedfunds for the school and gave parents and friends of the school theopportunity to get to know each other better. Guests enjoyedcoffee, tea and baked goods and a raffle was held with prizesdonated by local businesses. Pictured are Parents Associationmembers Linda Woods, Lorraine Griffin, Justine O'Sullivan, AnnGalvin, and Aoife Daly. pic Stephen Johnson

Gortamullen Business Park, Killarney Road, Kenmare, Co. Kerry.Tel: (064) 6641442 Fax: (064) 6641691



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Kenmare CommunityCare Christmas Party Thurs 13th December Brooklane Hotel from 2pm to 6pmB O O K I N G E S S E N T I A L Tickets €7 from Taobh Linn Social Centre(opposite Supervalu)

Please contact Tanya O’Sullivan 064 6648616 Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm.Tickets will be available from the November 15th 2012

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Baby Liam Horgan following his christening this weekendin St. Patrick's Church, Kilgarvan by Father DonaldO'Neill. He is pictured with his parents Eamon and SiobhanHorgan, godparents Terence Horgan and Catherine Lehaneand their son Cian. pic Harry Masterson

Blackwater Women’s Group 11th annualHarvest Ball was another great success. Infact some people say it was the best ever!Kenmare Bay Hotel was the venue and onceagain they served up a fabulous meal withwine for a very affordable price and the groupare very appreciative of the support from Sue,Tom and Helen and all the team at the hotel.Lively music from Neily O’Connor Band hadthe crowds dancing as soon as the meal wasfinished. A fun table-quiz also kept everyoneon their toes, and mobiles were hopping with‘phone a friend’ requests for some questions!Michael Healy-Rae was in great dancingform, as were several people who hadtravelled from Dublin, the UK and elsewhereespecially for the event.Blackwater Women’s Group would like tothank everybody who attended and also thosewho supported the event with spot and raffleprizes and contributed to a great night whichwas enjoyed by all.We had a ball!

all pics Mary O’Neill


I would like to start this month by saying ‘thank you’ to themanagement and staff at the Kenmare Bay Hotel for theircontinued support. They are always happy to help us in whatevercapacity they can and we are truly grateful to themSadly I have to report that KLAWS is struggling financially and therefore

we will have to request certain payments in the future for the service that wegive. We can guarantee help for the animals but no longer totally for free aswe are not able to sustain the amount of unwanted animals coming in, alongside the huge vet bills we have to pay. Please remember that we are a serviceprovided by volunteers and we are very short of volunteers in every areaespecially foster homes, fundraisers and basic help. A number of other rescuecentres have recently closed their doors, we hope to avoid that happening forthe welfare of the animals that need us.


KENMARETel: 064 6642268 Email: [emailprotected]



OPEN MON-SAT: 9.00 TILL 7.00SUNDAY: 12.00 TILL 6.00


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Book your Fondue Dinner in advanceon 064 66 82977Every Friday and Saturday night from 7pm, all winter through Choice of Cheese Fondue or Fish Fondue

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 19

Congratulations to localbusiness man SeanJones who has won theRural Business 2012Competition sponsoredby Leader, FarmersJournal, Tweak, Northand East Kerrydevelopment, Pobal,Lee Strand and KerryCounty, Sean’swinning company, has

produced an Irish designed Irish made product 'Tree Ring'. Theserings serve as a barrier to overgrowth and weeds around the baseof trees.They are simply assembled (no tools required) and areideal for domestic and commercial use. Tree Rings can bepurchased on line and at Killarney Garden Centre. Sean intends tohave his award winning product in other outlets shortly.

CatherineDoyle, FionaO’Dwyer andMarianDignam whotook part inthe HumptyDumptyDuathlon. pic HarryMasterson

P.J. McIntyre Chairman of Kenmare District Board presents SeanSheehan Templenoe with the Man of the Match trophy afterTemplenoe defeated Kenmare. pic Mary O'Neill


t: (064) 6641083 • e: [emailprotected]

Deposits now taken!Christmas club now open












St. Patrick's Women's Group.(now to be called Kenmare Women's Group)Please note that, as above, it has been decided to change our name toKenmare Women's Group. We won't change in any other way, inother words we will still be a group worth supporting!Our meetings so far this season have been interesting and fun, and wehave been pleased to welcome new members, who, in turn, add to thedynamics of the group.The quiz, set as usual by Kathlyn, had the clever ones fighting for

top spot, and the others guessing like mad! All done in a very relaxedatmosphere.Thanks to the Kenmare Bay Hotel, who recently hosted our coffee

morning, 30 members attended and everyone enjoyed the morning.Now the committee is planning for our Christmas celebrations, andalso for the next season's programme. How the months fly. We tryour best to make the meetings interesting and varied, and oftenmarvel at the talent that is available to us.If you haven't called in to see us, how about giving it a go? Or ring

me for information. Patricia Noad (chairwoman) on 6640935Quote of the month, which is anon!All marriages are happy, it's living together afterwards that's theproblem.

Parknasilla Resort & Spacordially invites you to our

Spa ChristmasEveningNovember 22nd 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Book your Spa Christmas evening and receive a 50%discount voucher for an Elemis Mini Facial or Back,Neck & Shoulder Massage.

Drinks, Nibbles & Party Bags on the night

Numbers are limited. RSVP by November 18th to theSpa by email: [emailprotected] or call directly (064) 6675614

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Whyte’s Kenmare

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 21

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Page 22 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Parliamentary QuestionsThe following are some of the questions I recently put forward:

To ensure that enough funding is in place in 2013 and the yearsahead to keep bowel cancer screening going and that screening isavailable to all people aged between 55 – 74 for bowel cancer.

Thousands of 3rd level students are still waiting to see if they willreceive a grant because of breakdowns in the new online systemwhich was actually intended to speed up the process.

In light of the recent tragedies involving farmers agitating slurrywould it not be sensible for the Department of Agriculture to sendout a helpful informative leaflet about the dangers of toxic gasesfrom slurry and how serious the consequences can be if a person isunaware of the dangers involved.

Borderline.ieI want to congratulate local businessman Mr. Sean Jones on hisoutstanding success in recently winning the Rural Business 2012competition for his new product called This is a ringthat can be placed at the base of trees to prevent grass from growingaround them, avoids trees being damaged and makes a nice neatborder around them. It is great, in times of such adversity in thebusiness sector, to see a local man coming up with a new idea andproducing it in Ireland. It certainly has a very bright future as therewill be demand for such a device not just in Ireland but all overEurope.The business has already created employment and I wish him wellin the years ahead with, what is an excellent product at an

affordable price and easy to install. In winning the award thejudges have recognized the endless potential of this device and Iwish the Jones family every good luck with it.

Eastern Relief Road KenmareI have raised in the Dáil with the Minister for Transport LeoVaradkar the need for further funding in Budget 2013 to continueand finalise work on the Eastern Relief Road in Kenmare. This roadwill be a major boost to Kenmare town when completed and I willcontinue to work to ensure that the funding will be provided.

Dental Clinic in KenmareI have been petitioning hard regarding the closure of the DentalClinic at The Health Clinic.See below a letter which I received from Denis Hickey on behalf ofGoretta Crowley, operations Manager of Oral Health in the HSE,with regard to the closure of the Dental Clinic in Kenmare.“Dear Michael,I wish to thank you for your recent letter and enclosed petitionsconcerning the closure of the dental clinic at the health centre inKenmare.The Health Act 2004provided for the HSEand under the Act, theExecutive is required tomanage and deliver, orarrange to be deliveredon its behalf, healthand personal socialservices.As the informationrequested by you comesunder the remit of theHSE yourcorrespondence hasbeen sent to theParliamentary AffairsDivision of the HSEwho will arrange for areply to issue to youdirectly.Your Sincerely,Dr. James Reilly T.D.Minister for Health.”

Clinics held in Scotts Hotel, Killarney every Saturday at3pm, the Atlantic Bar, Kenmare every Saturday night at10pm and all surrounding parishes on a regular basis.Every Sunday night Healy-Rae’s Mace, - 9pm – 10pmin Kilgarvan : Healy-Rae’s Bar - 10pm – 11pmTel: 064 66 32467 Fax : 064 6685904Mobile: 087 2461678Johnny Healy-Rae MCC – 087 2354793.E-mail: [emailprotected]


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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 23

In what has been a most challenging year for both manyindividuals and businesses, the event proved that withcooperation and support it is possible to raise funds for acommunity project, promote local businesses and providean evening of great entertainment for all involved. Kenmare Bay Hotel supported the event in every way possible and

accommodated rehearsals, complex cat-walk construction and decoration,while the Sneem Hotel lent stage sections which were transported and puttogether by Brian Foley. Willowfield Garden Centre provided plants andcatwalk cover to achieve a garden theme to the show. Tommy Jones andMick Granville acted as ushers and Sarah Mullins and Julieanne O’Connorset up a salon to provide make-up for the girls. Mairead Robinson and Eliana Medeiros Kraut lent their professional

expertise to the event, with Eliana training the girls who wanted to modelfor several weeks prior to the show. Complex and unique choreographywas devised by Eliana for each of the presentations, with the ‘dancing shoe

demonstration’ proving a particular success. Eye catching posters were putup all around South Kerry and West Cork designed by Mary DeclanO’Neill and attractive programmes were designed by Corinna Kinchin.Music and lights were expertly managed by Martin O’Reilly and the wholeevent was captured on video by John McCarthy.A Fashion Show is nothing without the Fashion of course, and so it was

due to the support and enthusiasm of the nine shops involved that the realstyle came out on the night. Neidin Hats had a real ‘Wow’ factor, as didKenmare Shoes, O’Sullivan Fords;, Simplicity, GlenAran, Bijou, Lily &Rose, The Pillbox and The Boutique by Quills. Other businesses andindividuals also supported the event with raffle prizes, including SenatorMark Daly, McSweeneys Pharmacy, The Kenmare Bay Hotel and theBlackwater Tavern. Munster’s new Society magazine ‘Hi’ sponsoredprizes, as did The Pillbox for the Most Stylish Lady. And finally to all the people who attended and enjoyed the night and all

who supported in every way, a heartfelt ‘thank you’.

Cora O'Farrell & Elaine O'Neillpic Martina Lee

Martin & Eliana Kraut picMartina Lee

Aoife, Mairead & Nessa Robinsonpic Martina Lee

Twin sisters Mary Falvey &

Nora Kelliher pic Martina Lee

LEFT: Anna Schep looked stunning in anoutfit from Bijou Boutique. pic Mary O'Neill

MartinaLee and hermother DoreenO'Sullivanbothmodelled.pic MaryO'Neill

Mairead Robinson, Eliana Medeiros Kraut,Terry Grab and Aileen Roantree. pic Mary O'Neill





TAKEAWAYOceanBlue Seafood Bar


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Portion of Boiled Rice ..................................................€2.50Portion of Fried Rice ...................................................€3.00

TThhee rreecceenntt FFaasshhiioonn SShhooww aatt tthhee KKeennmmaarree BBaayy HHootteell hhoosstteedd bbyy tthheeBBllaacckkwwaatteerr WWoommeenn’’ss GGrroouupp hhaass bbeeeenn ddeeeemmeedd aannootthheerr oouuttssttaannddiinngg ssuucccceessss..

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Page 24 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Jochen Gertz talks to Mairead Robinson

Recent news that NAMA had sold ghost estate CulFadda in Sneem, reputedly all 42 houses on 2.6hectares for a sum of €500,000, has not halted plansfor a future community project on the site.To coincide with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the winning of the

Tidy Town award in 1987, the local committee together withconceptual artist Jochen Gertz and the art students from PobalscoilInbhear Sceine, came up with a unique exhibition “Where Has TheTiger Gone?” which was launched last June by Minister for Arts,Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan. The exhibition ranthrough the summer until September, and generated a lot of interestfrom both locals and visitors to what had previously been referred tolocally as “the eyesore”. The colourful 22 paintings showed invarious images the ghost estate being haunted by a ghost tiger, thetiger trapped behind bars, or shot by a banker. Throughout thesummer, it became a talking point, a news story.And now the students, overseen by their art teacher Joe Thoma are

working again on material to begin the new project “SneemBlackboards” which is being launched to coincide with the SneemInternational Storytelling and Folklore Festival.Once again the brainchild of internationally renowned German

artist Jochen and his French wife Laurence Van Poulle the project isto encourage more social creativity within the local community. “Theidea is that the houses become blackboards. Whatever anyone fromthe village wants to communicate they can put it in that space”, heexplains.While his project Amaptocare in Ballymun is ongoing since he

came to Ireland initially in 2003, Jochen and Laurence have madeSneem their home for the past three years and have brought theirexperience and considerable talent to the village of Sneem. “A newculture of collaboration is needed in order to improve what we sharein a community. This is what the students of Joe Thoma teach us.Not only teachers can teach, but also young people.”Having brought his unique concepts to public spaces all over the

world. Jochen is now weaving his own brand of magic in Sneem withthe support of Tidy Towns and the Kenmare students. While it isguaranteed to provide a talking point for many months to come,Jochen is adamant that the project is not about prettifying ghostestates. The whole point of the exercise, as he sees it, is to engagepeople in shaping their own future. “The winter is endless, the lightis dim, the shops are closed and no visitor is sniffing out Sneem. Ifyou walk around you are alone even if you are full of things. Winteris story time. It Sneemed to me…..” he adds.

all pics Mary O'Neill

Harry West ofPobalscoil InbhearSceine with hispainting which wasfeatured in 'SneemBlackboards.

Joe Thoma pictured wth students JaneMcGann and Mikayla Keating puttingthe finishing touches to one of thepaintings.

Travis Reilly & Rosanna Hilier working onone of the paintings. ABOVE: Joe Thoma,

Jimmy Deenihan TD,Minister for Arts,Heritage, and theGaeltacht and JochenGerz pictured at theofficial opening ofthe Eyesore Show inJune 2012 'Wherehas the tiger gone?',

KKeennmmaarree ssttuuddeennttss wwoonnddeerr ‘‘WWhheerree TThhee TTiiggeerr hhaass GGoonnee??’’

Henry Court – Kenmare 064 66 400 80

charcoal steakhouse

We are nowtaking ChristmasParty bookings

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 25

Property Watch.....Sherry Fitzgerald DalyKenmareHenry Street, Kenmare. Tel 064 6641213 • Fax 064 6641717e-mail: [emailprotected] • •

Around The Houses with...

PROPERTY FOR SALEThe Olive House, Tuosist, Kenmare

• Built in 2000 – 3 bed -C.1450 sq ft

• Set on 1.08 acres –Landscaped grounds

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Asking Price:€€245,000

Siochain House, Sneem• Views over Sneem Estuary

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• 1.3 miles to Sneem Village

Asking Price: €€279,000

56 Sunny Hill, Kenmare• 3 bed semi-d – C.1200 sq ft

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Kilfadda, Kilgarvan• Traditional Farmhouse on 0.7 acres

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Deirdre O'Connor and PJBrowne who gotmarried in HolyCross ChurchKenmare onSaturday 22ndSeptember.

Around The Houses with.... MMaarrkkeett HHoouussee,, TThhee SSqquuaarree,, KKeennmmaarree CCoonnttaacctt uuss aatt 006644 66664411556666 //

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Fehanagh, Lauraghc. 70 acres of farmland less than 19 miles

from KenmareGuide Price: €€110,000

Letting your Property?For all your rental & propertymanagement requirementsCall DNG Timothy O’SullivanAt 064 66 41566 or [emailprotected]

WANTED3 & 4 bed propertieswithin walking distanceof Kenmare Town

• 19 miles from Kenmare Town • C. 70 acres• Old Ruin

Parc Na Gloine, Kenmare3 bed property within walking distance

of Kenmare Guide Price: €€110,000

• Within walking distance of Kenmare Town• 3 bedrooms• Well designed and proportioned rooms

Properties to letThe Orchard, Kenmare €€550 P/M

• 4 bed property• 5 minutes walk from Kenmare Town

Limewoods, Kilgarvan €€450 P/M• 3 bed property• Great location located in the centre of Kilgarvan village

Coornagillagh, Tuosist €€500 P/M• 3 bed detached• Stunning views of Coornagillagh Harbour

Cill Mhuire Kilmurry €€575 P/M • 3 bed property• In close proximity to the local schools

Rusheens House, Ballygriffin €€600 P/M• 3 bed property• Panoramic Views

For a full list of our rental properties pleasedon’t hesitate to contact our office

The year hasn’t been long passing! and here we are within a few weeks ofChristmas. It hasn’t been a very good gardening year....the constant rain and lackof sunshine wasn’t the best for many of the gardens flowering plants but trees andshrubs were able to soak up the rain and put on a lot of growth and we now have alot of leaves to tidy up ! After some rather cool showery weather in October it hasturned particularly mild which has made it possible to catch up on a lot of gardeningwork. By the time you read this however it will have changed no doubt ! So ,thebottom line is...with winter is fast approaching, so you should make the most of anydry spell to get jobs done.1. The lawn could do with a trim to even off the uneven autumn growth and also tohelp remove the fallen leaves. Don’t cut too low, just low enough to even out thegrass ( and weeds !). This will help prevent the final flurry of leaves getting stuck onthe lawn. Too late at the moment for fertilizers and weedkillers. Moss killers willwork but will leave unsightly brown patches for the winter, so best wait until earlyspring for this attack.2. Rake the leaves off all flower beds, alpine areas and garden ponds wheneveryou can.3. All of the summer bedding plants should be removed from window boxes,hanging baskets and other containers now. They have tried their best to keep ongrowing and flowering but their time has finally come. So, now they are emptied,how about filling them up again for the winter. Last month we talked about plantingup spring flowering bulbs and this will be your last chance to do it so get yourself

organised for this coming weekend. You will really appreciate it next February whenthe Crocus and Daffodils start coming into flower followed by Hyacinth and Tulipsinto March and April. Winter Pansy can also be planted up now for all winterflowering.4. For colour in the garden during the winter you can’t beat the Erica darlyensis, orwinter Heather. They will put up with the severest of winter weather and just keepflowering away. Gaulthera procumbens, Winter berry and the early Hellebores arealso reliable for winter colour.5. Keep the vege garden tidy and start the attack on slugs by placing beer trapsaround the garden or old slates to catch them hiding under every few days. Byreducing the adult population now you will reduce the population next summer.6. Winter flowering shrubs or plants with interesting foliage can be used to addextra colour close to the house in the winter months. Larger plants can also beused as framework for outside lighting from the mains supply or from battery packs.Potted Xmas trees, Skimmia, Viburnum , Boxus and Laurel are all good shrubs forthis purpose.With Christmas getting closer some thought has to be put into Christmas presentsand Garden Centres have a wide range of gift ideas for keen gardeners.Gardening gifts are always very useful and practical. If you can’t think of anything inparticular you can always give someone a Gift Voucher as this will no doubt beused as soon as spring begins to appear by early February. Gardening Gifts can beindividual tools, pots or growing systems to a range of items gift wrapped in abasket or a growing container. Packets of seeds, propagation equipment orgardening books would all make ideal presents, so drop on out to WillowfieldGarden Centre to see our Christmas Shop of decorations, Christmas trees and giftideas, ‘cos, you better watch out, Christmas is coming fast.....Hoe ! Hoe ! Hoe !Next month we will take a look at the range of seasonal house plants that areavailable for the Christmas season and give you some tips on how to make themlast as long as possible. See you then !

With Simon LinellWillowfield Garden Centre, Sneem Road, Kenmare.Phone 087 2953990 • [emailprotected] Gardening website

Winter in the Garden

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With the Halloween festivities now behind us andthe tinsel coming out, Charcoal Steakhouse isgearing up for a busy Christmas.Off the beaten track in Henry Court, Charcoal has been serving

up chargrilled steaks, slow-cooked ribs and fresh local seafood fornearly 2 years now.Husband and wife team, Marc and Courtney Roche, have beenworking hard to establish their business since December of 2010.Not an easy feat in the current climate, they have found success bytapping into a niche market.Charcoal specializes in prime quality Irish steaks; Ribeye,

Sirloin and Fillets; all chargrilled, cooked just the way you want,tender and bursting with flavour.And that’s not all they do - far from being just a steakhouse, the

menu also includes ‘Surf and Turf’ (Fillet steak with creole-butteredcrab claws), Oven-Roasted Parmesan Chicken and Cod in a PotatoCrust. Their fries are hand-cut daily, all the soups and sauces aregluten free, and they also cater well for vegetarians.Great value for money, starters range from €4.95 - €8.95 andmains from €12.95 - €26.95., with a selection of fine wines andcraft Irish beers also available.Everything on their kids’ menu is homemade, so rest assured

even when dining out, your children are eating healthy produce.Not just a family restaurant, they also offer an intimate and cosyatmosphere for couples and can cater for groups.Every Friday they offer something a little bit different with aMexican inspired ‘Fajita Friday’ set menu served all night (fullmenu also available). An early bird set menu is served every othernight from 5:30-6:45pm. Both menus are priced at €19.95 for twocourses and €23.95 for three courses.Unassuming from the outside, it’s just the place to be on a cold

winter evening with its warm and cosy interior, furnished withunique wooden chairs and tables.Charcoal is open for business as usual throughout the wintermonths (Thursday – Saturday 5:30-9:30pm and Sundays from 5:30-9:00pm) For reservations or enquiries call 064 6640080.

Nora andDanCreedon,Kilgarvan,celebratedtheir 51stweddinganiversarylast monthwith theirfamily John,Liz and Dan.pic HarryMasterson

gigguideBlackwater TavernMusic and DancingNovemberFriday 16th Singing JarveyFriday 23rd Southern PrideFriday 30th Premier Blue BoysDecemberFriday 7th The O’Connor TrioFriday 14th Autumn Gold

Lansdowne Arms HotelNovemberSaturday 17th The KeltsSaturday 24th The WebDecemberSaturday 1st Wallop The CatSaturday 8th The KeltsThe Atlantic Bar

NovemberSunday 18th Singing JarveySunday 25th Jerry McCarthyDecemberSunday 2nd ChalangeSunday 9th Ui BhriainSunday 16th Marino Sounds

To include your gigs in ourGig guide email


The Lake HouseDecember First Friday DanceFriday 7th from 10pmPremier Blue Boys Admission �7Proceeds towards buying a defibrillator

• Six large indoor kennels. Heated.• Long daily walks on 40 acres of farm and

woodland.• Secure outdoor exercise and play area.• Located in Killaha (Castletownbere road).

Just 2 km from Kenmare town.• Viewings welcome.


Proprietor Shane DignamContact 087 - 9196660

064 6682003

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KKeennmmaarree FFiillmm CClluubb WWiinntteerr PPrrooggrraammmmee The Kenmare Film Club continues its Winter programme with thefollowing fabulous films;Nov 22nd ‘The Well Diggers Daughter’Dec 6th ‘Even the Rain’Dec 20th ‘Monsieur Lazhar’All films begin at 8pm at the Carnegie. After 4 years we have had toincrease admission to €7.

KKeennmmaarree aanndd DDiissttrriicctt GGaarrddeenn CClluubb‘From a Bud to a Rose’ was the title for Carl Dacus’ informativetalk and slide presentation at the Club’s meeting on ThursdayNovember 1st. Carl began by talking a little about hisbackground in horticulture both here, in Denmark and Spainwhich accounts for his considerable plantsman knowledge andhis expertise as a teacher. He explained the ‘budding’ techniqueof propagating roses and showed us slides of this plus the mostbeautiful roses you could ever expect to see in his and othergardens. He chatted about clematis and other wonderful plants.We all left feeling we had really learned something.The final meeting of the year will be the Club’s Christmasparty which is due to take place on Thursday December 6th atGateway at 7.30pm

Corey Murphy, KenmareAC with his mother Joanneat the Munster Cross-Country Championships inBeaufort last month.

Our new Winter daytime opening hoursThursday, Friday and Saturday10am - 5pm and open for all events

NovemberSaturday 17th Swap Shop ‘Swishing Fashion’ Passport €10Film ‘Bridget Jones Diary’Thursday 22nd @ 8pmKenmare Film Society ‘The Well Digger’s Daughter’

(France 2011) Language: FrenchDaniel Auteuil returns to the world ofsimple country life in Provence for his firstfeature as a director. It is the age old tale ofa beautiful young girl, Patricia, the daughterof well-digger Pascall Amoretti (Auteuil),who becomes pregnant at 18.Tickets €7Friday 23rd @ 8pmThe Chain Over 18’s

The Ultimate Ladies Night Out Christmas Party Night – Book EarlyTickets €20Thursday 29th @ 8pmOnce (2006) A modern-day musical about a busker andan immigrant and their eventful week inDublin, as they write, rehearse and recordsongs that tell their love story.Admission Free – Donations Welcome.Friday 30thKenmare Choral Festival DecemberSaturday 1st @ 8pmSilent Film—Modern Times (1936) The Empty Orchestra will perform live

music during the film as part of theKenmare Choral Festival.Tickets €10 / €8Tuesday 4th @ 6pmPantomime - Santa’s Sooty ChristmasTickets €7Thursday 6th @ 8pmKenmare Film Society—Even The Rain Tickets 7pmFriday 7th @3pmMonthly Matinee - White Christmas (1954)Free admission Friday 7th & Sat 8th @ 7.30pm & 8pmGala Opening Carnegie Players presentBlithe Spirit by Noel CowardTickets €12 / €10Thursday 13th December @ 8pmFilm Amadeus (1984) Free admissionFriday & Saturday 14th & 15th @ 8pmThe Carnegie Players present Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward Tickets €12 / €10

Carnegie Arts Centre, Shelbourne Street, [emailprotected] T: 064 6648701

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ThePobalscoilInbhearScéineFirst YearBoysHurlingTeam whowon theKerry FirstYear BoysHurlingBlitz inKillarneylast

month; Richard O'Sullivan, David Cronin, Joseph Doyle, CiaranO'Sullivan, Michael O'Connor, Gearoid Fennessy, Chris Creedonand Michael McCarthy. Thanks to Sheila O’Sullivan and FlorO’Brien for accompanying the boys to the Blitz.

Page 30 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

The U10 Boy's team who represented Kenmare AC at the MunsterCross-Country in Beaufort last month. Corey Murphy, JamieO'Regan, Liam Palmer, Darragh Murphy, Jay Steadman, and MarkTorpey. Jay Steadman finished 11th overall winning an individualmedal. There are no All-Irelands for the U10 Boys.

Kenmare Bay Swim Club would like to extend a huge ‘thank you’to everyone who participated in our annual fundraiser. Withouthelp with the ground work of setting up or participating fromparents and friends it would not be the success that it is. We wouldlike to give particular mention to Kenmare Bay Hotel and JamCafé, Super Valu, Centra, Lidl, Bia Bia, Harringtons Bakery,Kenmare Flowers, Willowfield Garden Centre, Chiari Verdekel forthe Puppets, Sophie Lowe the Fire Poy Performer and Xenia &Della from Dromquinna Stables. The crowd gets bigger and biggerevery year as it gains in popularity. Everyone had spooky fun withthe Halloween games, fire juggling, ghost stories from Joan ourfriendly witch and the smores at the bonfire. A Happy Halloween!

KKeennmmaarree RRuuggbbyyScheduled games for the Kenmare Rugby teams were severelyupset during the past month due to the wet weather and no gamehas taken place at home or away for the last few weeks. Hopefullythe weather will pick up so we can clear the backlog beforeChristmas.Training continues on Tues nights for the under age teams and theseniors on Friday nights...New members and players alwayswelcome.Over the winter months the Club will be holding a TABLE QUIZand a RACE NIGHT as fund raisers, more information will appearon facebook closer to the time. Your support for these functionswould be gratefully appreciated.More info on Kenmare rugby facebook.

We have finally moved to our new location at the GAA sports complex atKillowen. The extra space is just fantastic. With four new mats, properscoreboards and fenders we are well set up. This is thanks to Leaderfunding and, of course, our own contribution. With the extra space andmats we can accommodate more members so we would invite you tocome along. The game is played by men and women from about 13 yearsto 90+. An 'old man/woman's game' it's not, but nor do you have to be anathlete. It is a game of skill combined with gentle exercise. The gameprovides entertainment and a challenge whatever type of game or levelyou play. Most importantly, the social side can be just as enjoyable as thegame. We meet between 10.45 am and 1pm on Mondays and Thursdays

throughout the year. If you come along for the start you will be suppliedwith bowls and some tuition and included in the morning's games. Youcan come along for your first game and just pay �5. If you then decide tojoin, the annual subscription is �20 and you pay �5 each time you play. Ifyou have long periods of being away or not able to play it doesn't cost you.We have been playing at the Templenoe Community Centre since

November 2010 and presently have 25 members. Templenoe has servedthe club very well indeed and we would like to thank the Committee forthe use of their facility. However, the space wasn't adequate for the 45'long mat. Our new equipment and venue will allow us to improve andcompete fully in the Kerry League. We have three teams in the league butuntil now we could only play away matches. Our first home match will bethe Kenmare Dolphins against Killorglin A on Thursday, 22 November.Our team is Tom Cavanagh, Maureen O'Shea, Vera Shaw and skip, AlanShaw.It has been said that the game originated in Ireland about the mid

1940's, with the idea to help the green bowlers keep their eye in during thewinter months. And of course, in a wet year you can play spring, summerautumn and winter and never get sun burnt or soaking wet (unless the clubroof leaks)!For further information contact Aiden at 086 0409555 or Vera at 0851308358.

Children’s hours remain the same 9.00 am – 7.00 pm

Bay Health Club, Kenmare Bay Hotel064 66 42599 [emailprotected]

Don’t forget Renew Beauty offers Health Club members

a 20% discount on any of theirtreatments

The new winter opening hours for the Health Club are 8.00 am – 8.00 pm daily

SSppoorrttssRound Up...

Neidin Indoor Bowling Club

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 31

Little Bo PeepTriathlon SecuresNational SeriesStatusWe at Kenmare Tri Clubare very excited toannounce that our middledistance triathlon has beenselected as a nationalseries event.

What is the Triathlon Ireland National Series?The National Series is a collection of the best organised and mostestablished races on the Triathlon Ireland calendar. In order to host aNational Series race, a higher level of service to participants is requiredthan for a standard race. Triathlon Ireland members score points in theirrespective age groups through competing in these National Series races.This is a great endorsem*nt for the quality of the event, the course and

the staging venue (star sailing marina). Also previous and present racedirectors, committee members, members, race marshals and anybody elseinvolved in staging our race must be congratulated. The Irish Independentrecently described the Little Bo peep triathlon as “A must for the triathletesbucket list”, and this is now the case. We expect a very large entry thisyear and will have the elite of Irish age group triathlon on the starting line.This is great news for the tourist town of Kenmare and further enhancesour reputation as the fittest town in Ireland.

Humpty Dumpty DuathlonCongratulations to all our members who recently took part in the HumptyDumpty Duathlon in Kenmare. Special mention to Theresa O Sullivan whohad a fantastic race and finished second overall in the women's section.

Other newsBest of luck to club member Robert Whyte who heads of to the States soonto take part in an Iron man event, looking forward to hearing all about it on

his return!Special thanks to Lisa Stapelbrook, Paul Tanner and Robert Whyte who

step down from their respective roles on the committee. Their effort andwork behind the scenes has been largely responsible for getting our eventnational series status and building our club into a very strong position.Enjoy your retirement guys, more time for training!!

MembershipMembership for 2013 is now open. Your membership helps to fund theclub and the various competitions and training events throughout the year.For details, please visit information on all club activities, remember to follow us on

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Now taking bookingsfor Christmas partiesand holiday lunches

Best of luck to KenmareChoral Festival Committeefor your forthcoming event

18 Henry Street, Kenmare. 064 6642350


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Derry Murphy, Murphy'sSuperValu Kenmare;Padraig Jones, TheCoachmans; and SenatorMark Daly picturedpresenting kit to theKenmare team for theMinor County Final.pic Harry Masterson

It’s been a couple of weeks and theJunior Final win against Na Gaeil hasreceded somewhat but only because weare looking forward to the Munsterquarter final versus Kilmacthomas. Notmuch is known about the Waterfordoutfit but they are a predominantlyfootballing club and therefore all arecautious. With a three/four hour journeyto undertake also Kenmare will have tobe mentally ready when pitch timearrives on 25th November (the MunsterCouncil switched the dates of ourfootball and hurling).The prize for the winner is a Munstersemi final against the Cork champions,Rockchapel who won the Cork Juniorfinal replay. Our hurlers also are unsureof their opposition for their Munster tie(18th November) and if they are luckyand get a ‘home’ draw then that matchwill be in Killarney. If the Tip’champions prevail in that ¼ final then itwill be a journey to the Premier Countyfor our hurlers. Lots to look forward to.On the hurling front mixed fortunes,hard luck to the U21 hurlers who lostthe county semi final. They went downby a point after extra time againstO’Dorneys. Kenmare seniors retainedthe South Kerry Senior HurlingChampionship with a 1-13 to 0-9victory over Kilgarvan in Templenoe.Shannon Ryan collected the Cup andthe team is ticking over nicely havingplayed a couple of challenges recentlyin an effort to overcome the long lay-offsince the Kerry County final (back inJuly versus Lady’s Walk).

SFL. Our last game in the countyleague was against Listowel and wasplayed in Dromore (thanks to them forthe pitch which was in fine condition).We went down on a score line ofKenmare 0-16 to Listowel 2-13 in agame that was tightly contested butwhich really was a nothing game forKenmare who had safely retained theirdivision 2 status. Overall it was a goodleague for the team with the early lossesagainst Kilcummin and Skellig Rangers(both very good outfits) puttingpromotion out of our reach.Finnegan Cup/Spillane Cup. Kenmare0-14 Templenoe 1-14: Only a scorebetween the teams in this Spillane Cupfinal which also doubled as theFinnegan Cup semi final, butTemplenoe were definitely the betterteam and deserved their win. PaulO’Connor topped the scoring charts forus with 0-8 points (0-6fs) but PatrickPalmer was not far behind him forTemplenoe with 0-7 (0-fs).Our pitch is still out of use at themoment but a lot of work has beendone by club members to try andredress this issue. The constant rainhas not helped their cause but the workhas gone on and must be acknowledged.Much thanks also to everyone whosupported the club in its recent Churchgate collection. As with everythingmoney is scarce and the clubappreciates everything that goestowards keeping us healthy. KenmareAbu!

Templenoe celebrate their defeat of Kenmare in the final of the Spillane Cup with a score ofTemplenoe 1-14, Kenmare 0-14. pic Mary O'Neill

Captain of Templenoe Shane CreminandVice Captain Anthony Sheehan raisethe Spillane Cup. P.J. McIntyreChairman of Kenmare District Boardpresented the cup. pic



Jimmy Wharton takes on Noel Kennelly

Paddy O'Dwyer watches Tadhg Kennelly

Tommy O'Sullivan in action v Listowel

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Kenmare News [emailprotected] Page 33

Kestrels continue to improve at everylevel this season. Our 16 boys are verycompetitive under Caroline Taylor. Our 16girls continue to impress with coachGrainne Brown. U14’s, U12’s all are doingexcellent: of special note are the U12 Pool 3girls who have won both of their openinggames, defeating Gneeveguilla at home andtopping St. Mary’s Castleisland on the road.Especially impressive were Ellen Torpey,Ciara Price, Rebecca O’Sullivan, AbbeyO’Sullivan, Katie Palmer and LeonieDowning.Our Men have had mixed fortuneswinning at home to St. Mary’s then losingaway in Castleisland before winning an epiccontest in Listowel Saturday evening.Finon O’Sullivan scored the winning basketas the men came away from the long roadtrip 58-56 winners. Mike Hussey, FinbarQuill, John Adams, and Conor Harringtonall stepped up to lead the Kestrels, whotrailing by 7 points in the fourth quarter,came from behind to win despite losingTony O’Sullivan through injury. A specialnote of thanks to Tony who ruptured hisAchilles and recently had surgery in Cork,he scored 15 points in the first quarter in hisbest performance in 6 years with theKestrels club. He will be sorely missed.The night also belonged to Mike Husseywho scored 28 points and was a real teamleader. Coach on the night, John Adamscommented: “I was delighted by the younglads performance and Mike was justdominant in all facets of the contest, yetTony is going to be a huge loss to us goingforward.” Next Up: Men at Glenbeigh inthe Div 2 CUP on Fri. Nov 23rd.Kestrels ladies have lost two and won oneand have a couple of big games coming up.After being beaten by Killarney Cougars,Kenmare travelled back to Killarney to beatTeam Fáilte by 6 points last week. Led byMontse Salvado, Caroline Taylor, MichelleO’Sullivan, Anna Marie Adams and LornaCooper, the experienced side were too muchfor their hosts on the night. Sadly theycould not keep the same form on theirjourney to Cahersiveen this week as theylost by 17 points to an excellentCahersiveen team led by Marie Teehan (14points). Nora Mae O’Brien, Francaes Caseyand Elodie Molere all contributed to cuttingthe home lead to 5 points, but the visitingKestrels ran out of steam in the finalquarter. Next Up: League vs Lixnaw atHOME on Sat. Nov 17 and a re-match withCahersiveen at HOME in the KABB Div 1CUP on Sat. Nov 24. We hope to see a bigcrowd in Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine for bothgames.Finally a big thank you to all the

volunteers, coaches and our under 10 teamswho took part in the KABB U10 Blitz lastweek in Kenmare. 10 teams and over 100kids had a great day of basketball. Thanksto Dermot Healy & Teddy Casey for theirassistance at Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine.Also to Andrea White & Centra for their

donation of a Halloween Hamper that raisedvaluable money for our underageprogramme.

Kenmare Kestrels U14 team Kenmare Kestrels U10 Girls who took placein the KABB U10 Blitz in Kenmare, picturedwith coaches John Adams and CarolineTaylor.

Willowfield Garden CentreSneem Road,KenmareT. 064 6641403






Willowfield Garden CentreSneem Road,KenmareT. 064 6641403


GiftsGiftsLights &Decor

Lights &Decor



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Under 13s Make Kerry Squad. Inter sent a strong contingent of 8 under 13players to the Kerry trials for the Kennedy Cup squad. The feedback on all theInter players was very good, and Dylan O’Connor, Dara O’Siochriu and BenCrowley were selected for the Kerry training panel. This is a big honour for thethree lads as well as their coaches and parents, and we wish them all the very bestwith their efforts.October was a busy month for Inter, here are a selection of the match reportsfrom the month;Sunday 28th October Kerry Premier A Spa Road 2-1 Inter KenmareInter travelled to Spa Road very light on numbers, and this came back to hauntthem before the end of the day. The start to the game was very bright, with Intercreating chances, and bossing the half. All the good work came to fruition justbefore half time when Sean Murphy drilled a 25-yard free kick under the walland into the corner. Inter turned around with a lead to defend, and to be fair toSpa Road, they kept the pace up and eventually stretched Inter to breakingpoint. The equaliser came on 60 minutes, with the winner coming on 75 minutes.Inter had no useful subs to bring on, and while the squad tried all they knew, thiswasn't to be. Reinforcements needed for the next game...West Cork Ladies League Bandon 1-4 Inter KenmareInter are right back in business in the ladies league, with a surprisingly big winover Bandon. A few changes were made for this one, with Majella O'Sullivanmoving into defence, and Laura O'Sullivan coming into the team. Inter werebrilliant on the day, running the game from start to finish and putting themselvesright back in contention at the top of the table.Sunday 21st Oct West Cork Ladies League Riverside 0-14 Inter KenmareThe scoreline looks bad, and it’s right. Inter absolutely mauled the Ballineen sidein this one. In fairness to the opposition, they didn’t want to blow up early, andkept at it to the end. Linda Twomey got four goals in this one, but the result wastoo easy to hand out praise to anyone else.Saturday 20th Oct U11 League Sean Murphy & John Horgan ReportingInter travelled to Killorglin Saturday afternoon and this game started off at alightning pace with both teams going all out but it was Inter that struck first witha great passing move from the back with Paraig playing a great ball to Corey whoflicked it on to Sean Lucey who chipped it over the keeper giving Inter the dreamstart. Sadly it didn't last long as Killorglin quickly found an opening in Intersdefence and slotted home. Inter unfazed kept pushing forward and soon found thenet with a nice strike from Corey Murphy. Killorglin again found space andequalised to keep this game on a knife edge but Inter upped their game whenCian Hanley came on and had an immediate impact by finding the bottom cornerand then just before the half time whistle linked well with Joshua to fire a bulletpast the helpless Killorglin keeper leaving the half time score at 4-2.

The second was more of the same only it was Killorglin who scored theopening goal. Inter then went for a 2-4-2 formation bringing Senan out of goal forPaul Cimpoies and this made an immediate difference with Inter piling on thepressure with some great passing movements ending up with a great finish byDaniel Crowley. Killorglin then got their last of the game with some nice playending up in the bottom corner. Daniel Crowley wasn't finished yet and poppedup to find the Killorglin net followed closely with a rocket into the middle of thenet by Cian Hanley giving him his first competitive hat-trick. Daniel was unluckynot to his after the ball found the top corner only to be waved play on as itappeared to have come off the crossbar (Will they ever bring in goal linetechnology?) Inter got their last soon after from a corner swung in by SenanSheehy which found Corey Murphy's head and into the top corner. The final scoreended up 8-4 to Inter. This was a great team performance by the young lads.In the second game of the day Inter came out of the blocks like a whirl wind,with Mark Casey and Aodhan MacGearailt exchanging passes down the rightflank before the latter squared for the on rushing Jack Downing to blast past theKillorglin keeper. Within 2 minutes of the restart Inter had doubled their leadwhen impressive striker Mark Torpey picking up the ball at the edge of the boxand firing home through a body of players. Inter were dominating the midfieldbattle with Mark Casey, Caleb Brosnan and Aodhan MacGearailt not givingKillorglin space to breath. Any attack which broke through the midfield wasquickly snuffed out by the back three of Kaleb Lynch-Patterson, Tyler and DavidO’Sullivan. With about 10 minutes to play inter stormed into a commanding 4-0lead with goals from Mark Torpey and Aodhan MacGearailt. As the half timewhistle loomed some good work from Killorglin down the wing resulted in agreat shot from the edge of the Inter box and although keeper Conor Casey got agreat hand to it couldn’t prevent the ball from hitting the back of the net, thescore at half time stood at 4-1 to Inter.

Killorglin came out in the second half with a point to prove and put the Interdefence under extreme pressure from the off, Inter had to count on keeper ConorCasey to bravely come to the rescue on 3 occasions within the first 10 minutes ofthe second half. The Inter team shuffled around at half time with the introductionof Michael O’Reilly in midfield and Darragh Casey up front. Inter created chanceafter chance but the Killorglin defence stood firm albeit with a bit of luck afterMark Torpey crashed a great effort off the post. Eventually Killorglin clawedtheir way back into the match with 2 successive goals bringing the score to 4-3 toInter. Inter dug deep and eventually were rewarded when Mark Casey found theback of the net with a great volley. Inter were regaining control and a strike-forceof Caleb Brosnan and Mark Torpey constantly looking dangerous, Caleb left threeKillorglin defenders in his wake as he made space in the box to unleash a superb

strike only to see it return to his feet off the post. Aodhan MacGearailt showedhis class to setup Mark Torpey with a fine through ball with Mark finishingcoolly, Killoglin were proving hard to shake off and brought the score back to 1in it with a late goal. In the dying minutes however some good work fromMichael O’Reilly in midfield winning the ball resulted in a penalty to Inter. JackDowning stepped up and coolly blasted the ball beyond the Killorglin keeper,ending the scoring 7-4 to Inter. All players who participated should feel veryproud of the level of performance they gave which is a result of the hard workthey have been putting in every Saturday morning at training.Report by John HollandYouths League Sat 13/10/12 Inter Kenmare 3-4 Killarney AthleticThis game finished 3-4 to Killarney Athletic. This was a step up in level forKenmare as Killarney Athletic have always been in the Premiership at this levelcompared to Inter Kenmare who have been in division one. Secondly Killarneyhad a large panel and were able to freshen up their team with several subswhereas Kenmare had only 12 players and the lads visibly tired toward the end ofthe game. That said Kenmare started brightly, were well organised and pressuredthe ball effectively in all areas of the pitch. This led to Kenmare taking adeserved 2 nil lead into half time. The first goal was a far post header by DavidCrowley from an excellent Josh Holland delivery. The second came from FintanKennedy who was teed up by Dean Cassidy after he undertook a mesmerisingdribble past several Athletic players. Ray O'Shea brilliantly saved a penalty whichwas controversially given as the Athletic player was yards off side when helatched onto a through ball.Sunday 7th Oct Denny Division 2A Inter 4 - 1 St BernardsHaving lost their first three games, this was a must win game for the B's if theyare to have any realistic chance of challenging towards the end of season. Interstarted off the game very brightly with some sweeping passing moves. ConnieCremin started them at the back by bursting out of defence and spreading the ballwide to Matty Clifford and Joey Sheehan who linked up very well with the twofront men Mike Hussey and Kieran Down; who was not lucky to score within thefirst 3 minutes.Once again Inter Kenmare conceded in the first 10 minutes when DonalO’Sullivan Casey was adjudged to have handled the ball from a shot at the edgeof the box. The penalty was well struck with the score reading1-0 St Bernard’s.Inter responded brilliantly and created chance after chance, Kieran hit the postwith a cracking shot and then Con Godfrey was put through but the keeper savedwell.A good ball through by Mike Hussey found Matty Clifford who struck a greatshot but the keeper saved well from the resulting corner. Matty Clifford clippedthe top of the crossbar. St Bernard’s were treading on thin ice and conceded aharsh penalty for handball with Jason O’Shea firing it in to the top corner. Thegame was even at 1-1. Inter continued to create chances. Mike Hussey skippedpassed the defence on numerous occasions but Inter could not find that finishingtouch. On the half hour mark Kiearn Down played Matty Clifford through and hemade no mistake by burying it in the back of the net 2-1 for Inter Kenmare.Inter began the second half as they finished the first, creating chance after chanceand the third goal came on the hour when Kieran Down went past three StBernard’s defenders and squared the ball for Mike Hussey who made no mistake;3-1 Inter. Kieran Down and Mike Hussey were destroying the St Bernard’sdefence and Hussey made it 4-1 with a cracker from the edge of the box.The game was effectively over with 20 minutes to go but Inter kept pressing butsomehow didn't extend their advantage. Matty Clifford and Kieran Down cameclose whilst John Horgan was denied by the keeper twice with good saves. StBernard’s were posing no threats the second half with Connie Cremin, TomBambury and Donal O’Sullivan Casey commanding at the back. In the dyingminutes Joey Sheehan could of got his first goal for the club from six yards outbut the keeper saved well. It was a great all round performance and 8-1 would ofbeen a fairer reflection but Inter are happy with the three points and lookingforward to a surge up the table.Match report Mark Granville

Internazionale FC KenmareChairman: Dennis O'Brien, Secretary: Majella O'Sullivan, Treasurer: Paul Cassidy,

PRO: Charlie Vaughan, Youth Liaison Officer: Ronan O Tuama


Tel: 064 664 1 885or 087 929 9874





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We can apply for Grants underthe Enprova Scheme

Contact Colin @ 027 63588 / 087 [emailprotected] •

• Emergency Nationwide Services• All aspects of tree care• Dangerous tree removal• Overgrown shelter belts• Stump grinding / Wood chipping• Hedges trimmed and restored

• Surveys, Legal advice, Free estimates• Comprehensive insurance• Quality garden furniture now available

Barraduff MemorialsBarraduff, KillarneyTel: 064 7754021

Mobile: 087 2598664

All types of headstones suppliedErected and cleaned

Additional names engravedPersonal attention

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Trades&ServicesKenmare House CareProperty Maintenance Services Tel: 087 2272205For a safe, reliable & prompt servicewith over 25 yearsexperience in repairs and maintenanceCarpentry • Decorating • Electrical • PlumbingPowerwashing • Tiling • Keyholding Service

Contact Tim 087 2272205E-mail: [emailprotected]

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Vat and C2 Registered • Hourly and contract rates

Phone 087 2425504

Have you got Foggy orstained double glazedwindows?


Contact Donie @ 087-9777333

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Kate @ 087 2330398Dick @ 087 2513126

Beara Water ServicesRAINWATER HARVEST INGWater Butts delivered and fitted from €€75

Ponds, Streams, Water FeaturesLandscaping and Handmade Garden Accessories

Phone Ray on 087 9310977 or visit us online at

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Trades&ServicesBill McCarthy

General repairs and HomeMaintenance

For all handyman requirements ringBill @ 064 6641684 / 087 6443003


• Painting & Decorating• Light Construction• Gutters Cleaned & Replaced• GraveMaintenance



Tel: 026 41236021 4319790Keen Prices - Prompt Delivery

M&J Kelleher Oils

Tiernaboul, Killarney,Co. Kerry.Tel: 064 6633043Mobile: 087 2821034




We supply all types of headstones, Cleaning and Restoration of Graves.Additional Names, Grave Accessories, Memoriam Cards, Plaques.

We also do GraveMaintenance, personal inscriptions.House Names, Place Names, Sand Blasting.

Contact Sean on 087 2947945 oremail [emailprotected]


Lissyclearig, Kenmare, Co. Kerry.(H) 064 6640900 (M) 087 2441900Office phone & Fax 064 6642346 • gmail: [emailprotected]

P L U M B I N G & H E A T I N G L T D .




ALTERNATIVE ECOSYSTEMSDerryreag, Clonkeen, Killarney.

Phone: 064 7753470 Fax: 064 7753873 Mobile: 087 2552221E-mail: [emailprotected]

All types of plumbing and heatingOil Boiler Servicing

Installer of Solar Panel; tubes or flat plateRepairs & Installations • Domestic • Commercial • Industrial

Flynn StoneBallylickey, Bantry

Contact Jer Flynn 086 2768834

We provide unique range stone colours and tones to suit all styles andtastes, from the classic to the contemporary. We pride ourselves on thequality and variety of our stone and are confident that we can supply a

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Building Stone Fireplace Stone Patio Flags

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Kate @ 087 2330398Dick @ 087 2513126

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Kenmare Veterinary CentrePet – Equine – Farm

From this summer on full Farm animal serviceincluding calls, testing, reproduction work

SHOP& SUPPLIES: Experience our service andvery sharp prices on worming, feed and supplies

064-6642695(24 hour emergency service)

Mart Road, Kenmare -

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Kate @ 087 2330398Dick @ 087 2513126


Authorised Service Agents for Kenmare AreaFalvey Oil Burner Services

Kenmare / KillarneyPhone: 087 2386276 • 087 8296288 • 087 1222091


Industrial, Commercial & Domestic InstallationsLauragh, Kenmare

Mobile: 087 7922340 • Home: 064 6683126Email: [emailprotected]

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For a quote call Eoin on 087 6651216

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MirrorobeBuilt-In & Fitted Furniture

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Cathal Kelly, Killowen Road,who graduated from NUIG onFriday October 26th with a 1.1first class honours degree in

civil and environmentalengineering.Cathal completed his final yearproject in wastewater treatment,specialising in phosphorousremoval using the elementpyrrhotite. This researchreceived the Frank Lydon award(sponsored by Arup) in June2012 for the best project acrossthe engineering department inNUIG. His work has also wonfirst place in the 2012International UndergraduateAwards (Engineering &Mechanical Sciences category).Cathal, who is currentlyworking in a specialist waterdepartment in Galway, will bepresented with a medal from thePresident Michael D. Higginson November 9th for hiswonderful achievements.

Manuela Goeb, who owns the BreadCrumb bakeryand vegetarian café, is launching a new venture‘Utterly Nutty’ which will offer handmade artisangluten-free baked goods.Manuela, a native of Franconia, Germany, opened the popularBread Crumb in August 2004 and has been serving localcustomers as well as visitors, catering to people with allergies andfood intolerance issues and supplying their products to hotels,restaurants and delicatessens.“The number of customers with gluten intolerance whom we meetdaily at The Bread Crumb is constantly growing. It is very hard forcoeliacs or wheat intolerant people to find a reallynice treat, and this is how the Utterly Nutty Company was born.“Our Florentine Crispy Bites are a delicious mix of flaked almonds,drizzled with honey on a bed of chocolate, they are a gluten freeaddictive treat.”Manuela has already lined up an impressive list of retail outlets thatsell her Florentine Crispy Bites and is planning to expand hermarket to a nationwide listing. A French businessman is alsointerested in taking them to the wider market in the EU.

By Stephen Johnson


Kate Murphy,Kenmare AthleticsClub with herfamily, afterfinishing sixth in theMunster U12 Girls2000m in Beaufort,Sunday October21st.This is a greatachievemnt for Kateas she can run inthis race again nextyear. Kate already

won the Kerry County Girls U11 1500m and the Kerry CountyGirls U12 2000m recently. Kate goes forward to representMunster in the All-Irelands on November 25th in County Meathin the U12 Girls race and will also be competing in the MunsterU11 Girls 1500m in Waterford IT on Sunday November 11th.

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Aloe Vera

Property To Let


Host families Grinds

2 Bed Victoria Tec, Rock St,Kenmare�350 per month2 Bed Townhouse, HenryCourt, Kenmare�375 per month4 Bed Gortamullen Heights,Kenmare�500 per month3 Bed House, Coornagillagh,Tousist, Kenmare�500 per month4 Bed House, Killoween Road,Kenmare�550 per month3 Bed Bungalow, Parc Clonee,Kenmare�550 per month2 Bed Town House, BarrNeidin, Kenmare�800 per monthLuxury 3 Bed House with SeaViews, Killaha, Kenmare�1200 per month5 Bed waterfront house,Claddanure, Kenmare�1800 per month3 Bedroom House on KenmareBay, Dawros, Kenmare�2500 per monthContact: Elaine Daly (064) 6641213

Roughty Plant Hire Ltd.,Machines and 6 ton swiveldumpers for hire. Mini diggers, track machines,tractor and trailers. Self Hire also available.Contract work undertaken.Estate maintenance contractsundertaken. Grass cutting contractsundertaken.Contact Ian 087 630 4241 or 064 6685982

Host Families WantedFamilies wanted to host

Spanish and Italian studentsfor next summer June/July

2013 for Kenmare School ofEnglish.

If you are interested pleaseemail

info@kenmareschoolofenglishor contact 087 608 9650 for

more information.

Aloe Vera GelPoor diet, stress, caffeine,over-processed foods etc. canall lead to less than tip-tophealth. Aloe Vera, with itswealth of essential nutrients,can help redress the balance.Aloe works on our immunesystem, replenishing thenutrients as required.Aloe Vera contains amazinghealing properties such asinhibiting pain and reducinginflammation. It is excellent asa coagulant, cicatrisant, cellregenerator, digestor,detoxifier, rehydrator, isnutritious and also contains 17of the 23 amino acids requiredby the body.To order contact Suzanne on087 2286182 for furtherinformation.

ENGLISH GRINDSAny aspect of the JuniorCertificate and LeavingCertificate courses covered.Lessons given by fullyqualified teacher withBA(HONS) and H.Dip(HONS). Please contact 087 2823757.

Classified & Personal..ESSENTIALSERVICESEMERGENCY SERVICESAmbulance, Fire, Gardai 999Marine, Mountain Rescue

6641177Kenmare Gardai 6631222Brosnans Pharmacy 6641318 POST OFFICEKenmare 6641490 Tousist 6684201Blackwater Bridge 6689245ACUPUNCTUREBarbara O’Leary086 3809067COMPLIMENTARYMEDICINEKathrina O’Sullivan 087 7579294CAREER SERVICESPauline Lane 087 9066350

MEDICAL SERVICESDr Vincent Boland 6641303Dr Rose Crushell 6641514Dr R & B O’Driscoll 6641333Dr D Waterhouse 6645204Dr. Maria Quille 6641544Health Service, Henry St. 6642414Community Hospital 6641088DENTISTSGerry McCarthy 6641650Con O’Leary 6642621Dental Clinic 6641042PHARMACIESBrosnans Pharmacy 6641318McSweeney’s Pharmacy 6679880Sheahan’s Pharmacy 6641354PHYSIOTHERAPYChristina Foley The Medical Centre 087 9220292Kenmare Physiotherapy Clinic,Henry Street. Darren Gaffey 086 1068505

hom*oEOPATHSPam Mullers 086 3009109

PSYCHOTHERAPY/COUNSELLINGMichele O’Brien 064 6642503CHIROPODYJoan Lynch Purcell 6641158CHIROPRACTICBobbi Kestler, DC

087 2982697HYPNOTHERAPYLee Tiller 6642919NURSING HOMESTir na nOg 6641315St Josephs 6641100 VETERINARY SERVICESLesley Dignam 6641436Jimmy Duggan 6641202Henk Offereins 087 7710360 OTHER SERVICESChamber of Commerce & Tourism 6642615Citizens Information 0761 077810Community Welfare Officer

6641091Kenmare Community AlertTeddy O’Sullivan-Casey 087-6705108CHIMNEY CLEANINGKenmare Chimney & StoveCleaning 086 3090154

Novena to the Sacred Heart. DearHeart of Jesus, in the past I haveasked for many favours. This timeI ask you this very special one.(Mention favour) Take Dear Heartof Jesus and place it within yourown broken heart where yourfather sees it. Then in his mercifuleyes, it will become your favournot mine. Amen. Say this prayerfor three days, promise publicationand favour will be granted. Neverknown to fail (MD)

Novena to the Sacred Heart. DearHeart of Jesus, in the past I haveasked for many favours. This timeI ask you this very special one.(Mention favour) Take Dear Heartof Jesus and place it within yourown broken heart where yourfather sees it. Then in his mercifuleyes, it will become your favournot mine. Amen. Say this prayerfor three days, promise publicationand favour will be granted. Neverknown to fail (SD)

Saorview approved aerialand Satellite installations. McSwiney Electrical,

Kenmare 064 6641050

CLASSIFIEDS & PERSONALPersonal Classifieds Free,Thanks givings €10Business Classifieds, prepay €10 for 20 wordsName..............................................................Address...................................................................................................................................Contact Number............................................. My Classifieds Advertisem*nt is........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Send your classifieds advertisem*nts to Kenmare News, 4 Davitt Place, Kenmare,County Kerry or email us [emailprotected]

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We would like to take this opportunity,before we talk about Christmas atTruffle Pig, to say thank you to all

those who organised the Halloween Howl. Itwas a great festival, the atmosphere in townwas buzzing from people young and oldenjoying themselves. The festival certainlybrought visitors and local people into town,which was wonderful for the businesses. Welldone everyone.

Talking of enjoyment and atmosphere brings us toChristmas, our seventh in business in Kenmare, howtime flies. We really enjoy welcoming people intoTruffle Pig, on a daily basis but particularly atChristmas. The spirit of friendliness and support isalways around in Kenmare. Over the years manythings have brought smiles to our faces. One of ourlasting memories though will be of neighbours andfriends helping us to deliver orders to people whocould not get into town the year of ‘the bad weatherChristmas’. We came through what could have beena disaster for us with everyone pulling together andlaughing as we slipped and slithered our way around.It was certainly a delivery service with a difference! Itwas also true Christmas Spirit.

We are very conscious, this year, of how hard a timeeverybody is having and with this in mind we havebeen making and baking goodies that are different,still of quality and at a realistic price. Our homemadeMincemeat is laced with brandy, our Marmalade

brings the taste budsalive at breakfasttime and our newChutney recipe goesso well with all coldmeats and cheeses.

Our Christmas puddingand cake prices remainthe same as last yearwith Irish Whiskey FruitCakes from €12 andChristmas Puddings from€6.95.

A 10% discount will be available for ChristmasCake and Pudding orders taken and paid forbefore 10th December 2012.

Why not consider our Hamper Service for gifts thisyear? We have sizes to suit all pockets - from a singlepot of something tasty to a basket or hamper full ofdelicious delights - we will fill it and personalise it foryou. Choose from our extensive range of cheesesand add savoury biscuits, or maybe look at our rangeof products for the cook in your family and put someingredients in a hamper that you know they will useand enjoy, perhaps someone special to you has asweet tooth and there is certainly quite a lot in TrufflePig that will bring a gleam to their eyes.

We look forward to helping you put your Christmaspresents together. Call in to us for a full list of ourChristmas Fayre or go to

Truffle Pig Delicatessen and Cafe

17 Henry St, Kenmare

A Happy Christmas everyone and we look forward to enjoying 2013, with you, at Truffle Pig.

Thank you to all our valued customers and our wonderful staff for your continuedsupport, it is very much appreciated.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.