Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (2024)


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This is the easiest and quickest chocolate sauce you’ll ever make, which also happens to be the most delicious! No messing with cocoa, corn syrup or sugar, just 2 ingredients are all you need!

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (1)

I’ve been making this chocolate sauce, which is a quick and rough recipe for chocolate ganache, for years! There are lots of recipes you can use to make a chocolate sauce, but honestly, why complicate things when you’re just using it to pour over cake or ice cream?

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Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (2)

What Makes the Best Chocolate Sauce?

I could make a strong case for why this recipe is better than so many others, but in a nutshell, the key is in the type of chocolate that is used. Make it with a waxy, low quality product like H——‘s, and you’re going to end up with something awful (I can’t even imagine how it would turn out, or even IF it would turn out). However, use a good quality chocolate with a high content of cocoa butter/cocoa solids, and you’re golden!

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (3)

How Can I UseThis Chocolate Sauce?

  • This chocolate sauce is served warm so it’s perfect for pouring over ice cream, desserts, banana splits,cheesecakes, this hazelnut chocolate cake, etc. (Want a magic shell type chocolate topping for ice cream?)
  • Pour it over a cake instead of frosting it! This is one of my favorite ways to decorate cakes!

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (4)

  • Use it as a dip or fondue for fruit, cookies,marshmallows, and pieces of sponge cake.
  • Keep it on hand for a quick and easy hot chocolate base! Just a spoonful or two into hot milk makes a decadent hot chocolate beverage!
  • After refrigerating, roll into balls and you havechocolate truffles!

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (5)

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe

recipe for a rough ganache (honestly don’t know where I learned this so credit goes to
Escoffier’s apprentice) Makes 8 oz (1 cup of sauce) Serves 6

  • heavy whipping cream (try to use organic, without any added ingredients)
  • good quality chocolate, chopped (I prefer dark, but use what you like) such asCallebaut,Valrhona,or even Trader Joe’s Belgian chocolate (Pound Plus bar, chocolate chips or the small bars).

Put the cream into a small pot over medium low heat.

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (6)

Add the chocolate pieces, callets, chips or whatever you’re using (just don’t add huge chunks or it won’t melt quickly enough).

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (7)

Stir quickly (using a wooden spoon) touching the bottom of the pan to ensure the chocolate doesn’t stick.

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (8)

Within a minute or two, you’ll start to get a smooth, thick consistency forming. Turn off the heat at this point and continue stirring until completely smooth and glossy.

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (9)

You can add more hot cream if you want a less thick sauce, but I prefer it with the original 1:1 ratio. See how rich, thick and glossy it is? Perfection! Two ingredients and three minutes, it’s fabulous!

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (10)

Use as desired. May I suggest this hazelnut chocolate cake as a trial for your first chocolate sauce?

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (11)

Keep leftover chocolate sauce refrigerated for up to one week.

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (12)

I also use this ganache on my pumpkin cheesecake chocolate mousse cake!

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (13)

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Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (14)

Easy Chocolate Sauce - Only 2 Ingredients and 3 Minutes!

Yield: 6

Prep Time: 1 minute

Cook Time: 2 minutes

Total Time: 2 minutes

A simple chocolate sauce that can be used in many ways!


  • 1 cup (237 ml) heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup (237 g) good quality chocolate, chopped, or chips, callets, etc.


    1. Put the cream into a small pot over medium low heat.
    2. Add the chocolate pieces, callets, chips or whatever you’re using (just don’t add huge chunks or it won’t melt quickly enough).
    3. Stir quickly touching the bottom of the pan to ensure the chocolate doesn’t stick.
    4. Within a minute or two, you’ll start to get a smooth, thick consistency forming. Turn off the heat at this point and continue stirring until completely smooth and glossy.
    5. You can add more hot cream if you want a less thick sauce, but I prefer it with the original 1:1 ratio. See how rich, thick and glossy it is? Perfection!
    6. Use as desired. Keep leftover sauce refrigerated for up to one week.


  • Use on ice cream, desserts, cheesecake, banana splits.
  • Dip fruit, marshmallow, cookies or cake into it like fondue.
  • Roll into balls when cool to make truffles.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 6Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 48Total Fat: 4gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 6mgSodium: 27mgCarbohydrates: 3gFiber: 0gSugar: 1gProtein: 1g

Nutrition information is only estimated.

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Christina’s Cucina is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Easy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (2 ingredients, ready in 3 minutes!) (2024)


How to make chocolate Sause? ›

Place chocolate300g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped in a bowl. Place cream in a pan over medium heat and bring to just below boiling point. Pour over chocolate, then stir until smooth. Serve warm.

How to thicken up chocolate sauce? ›

Cornstarch – helps thicken the mixture into a thick hot chocolate sauce. Water – loosens up the sugar, cocoa, and cornstarch into a sauce. Butter – adds flavor and helps create a silky texture. Vanilla – sweetens and deepens the chocolate flavor.

How to make chocolate step by step? ›

The Chocolate Making Process
  1. Step 1: Cleaning. ...
  2. Step 2: Roasting. ...
  3. Step 3: Shell Removal. ...
  4. Step 4: Nibs are ground. ...
  5. Step 5: Cocoa is separated from Cocoa Butter. ...
  6. Step 6: Other ingredients are added to the Chocolate Liquor. ...
  7. Step 7: Conching machines knead the Chocolate Paste.

What are the chocolate ingredients? ›

Dark Chocolate Ingredients: Cacao liquor, sugar, cacao butter, lecithin, and vanilla. Milk Chocolate Ingredients: Cacao liquor, sugar, cacao butter, milk solids, milk fat, lecithin, vanilla. White Chocolate Ingredients: Sugar, Cacao butter, milk solids, milk fat, lecithin, vanilla.

What thickens melted chocolate? ›

Something as simple as a drop of water can seize your melted chocolate and to regain it, a little extra fat is required, which can be procured from vegetable oil, butter or cocoa butter.

What's the difference between chocolate syrup and chocolate sauce? ›

Chocolate Syrup: made with just water – no additional fat like cream or butter. It's thinner in consistency than sauces and easily mixes into drinks. Chocolate Sauce: usually made with the addition of milk, cream, or butter. It's thicker in consistency.

How do you keep chocolate sauce from hardening? ›

Add Alcohol. Liquors like rum, brandy, or liqueurs can prevent chocolate from hardening too fast, ideal for dessert sauces. By incorporating these simple strategies into your chocolate adventures, you can maintain that glossy, luxurious texture even as your chocolate masterpiece cools down.

What is chocolate glaze made of? ›

A classic Chocolate Mirror Glaze is made of gelatine, water, cream, sugar and cocoa powder. Some recipes use melted chocolate and condensed milk, but they aren't as nice to eat. They make a yield a thicker, less elegant Mirror Glaze that's also overly sweet.

How to make chocolate you can drizzle? ›

Place the chocolate in a bowl set over a pot with a bit of water which is lightly simmering. Stir occasionally until the chocolate is all melted. To get very even and precise chocolate, pour the melted chocolate into a Ziploc bag and cut off a bit of the corner, then drizzle with a zig-zag motion.

How do you make melted chocolate liquid? ›

To thin melted chocolate, add a small amount of neutral oil, like vegetable oil or cocoa butter, stirring gently until it reaches the desired consistency. Melt slowly to avoid overheating, and keep water out to prevent the chocolate from seizing.

How do they make chocolate milk? ›

Cocoa or chocolate milk drinks are dairy-based products, which are manufactured from heat-treated milk with the addition of cocoa powder and sugar and eventually stabilizers. After adding the powders, the product is heat treated with an accepted process, cooled, and filled.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.