16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (2024)

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ByStephanie Wilson

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Here are 16 healthy cookie recipes that you can bake without any guilt. These recipes are perfect for those who want to indulge in delicious treats without feeling guilty.

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (1)

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I love to bake. Thankfully, my guys love cookies, and so we bake lots and lots of cookiesat our house!

Although my oven is constantly producing delicious treats, there are moments when all we really want is the taste of something indulgent, warm from the oven, and be guilt free.

These are those. Guilt Free Healthy Cookie Recipes!

Whether you’re baking holiday cookies, as I am, or need afternoon snacks or lunch treats, we’ve gathered some delicious healthy cookie options!

Healthy Cookie Recipes

Whether you’re baking for the holidays or looking for delicious healthy snacks, these cookie recipes will give you plenty of inspiration.

Some of my favorite healthy cookies here at 31Daily are the Breakfast Cookies I bake often and if I’m baking gluten free, the Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies are always a winner at my house!

Here are more delicious healthy cookie recipes:

1. Vegan Pumpkin Sugar Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (2)

“Tender, fluffy, vegan pumpkin sugar cookies that require just 1 bowl! Super fluffy, simple preparation, and perfect for fall!”

2. Pumpkin Cherry Breakfast Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (3)

“These delicious on-the-go treats are packed with protein (and fiber!) to keep you energized till noon!”

3. Three-Ingredient Coconut Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (4)

“Meet the incredible three-ingredient coconut cookies! They are sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan and ready to eat in about 30 minutes.”

4. Skinny Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (5)

“These healthier oatmeal chocolate chip cookies have NO sugar, NO white flour, and only 2 tablespoons of butter in the whole batch! They are the perfect way to satisfy your mad chocolate cravings when you are supposed to be losing holiday pounds.”

5. Chewy Flourless Gingerbread Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (6)

“Flourless gingerbreadcookies that are soft, chewy, and super easy tomake with only ONE BOWLand ahandful ofhealthy ingredients {paleo, gluten-free, refined-sugar-free}.”

6. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (7)

“Chickpea cookies! Chickpea cookies with no flour, no oil, no white sugar. These are just full of chickpeas. And they’re my very favorite healthy cookie so far!* I don’t know if they really classify as cookies so I’ll go with cookie dough bites.”

7. Deep Dish Double Chocolate Breakfast Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (8)

“Ooey, gooey, soft, and chewy! These Deep Dish Double ChocolateBreakfast Cookies are the epitome of dessert for breakfast. Chocolatey anddecadent, but made with healthy and wholesome ingredients that you can feel good about starting your day with.”

8. Peanut Butter Banana Trail Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (9)

“A healthy Chunky Monkey ice cream type cookie.”

9. Grain Free Peanut Butter Blossoms

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (10)

“Looking for a healthy peanut butter blossom recipe? I made a few healthy modificationsin a classic recipe to bring you the most delicious and easy grain-free peanut butter blossoms of the season!”

10. Brown Butter Snickerdoodles

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (11)

“Gluten free holiday bakingseason is upon us! This easy recipe for gluten free brown butter snickerdoodle cookies is a must make Christmas cookie. Simple to make, egg free, and made with real ingredients. The browned butter gives these snickerdoodles extra flavorful! YUM!”

11. Paleo Chocolate Chunk Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (12)

“Guys, they are RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. Think addicting, thick, chewy and full of melted dark chocolate puddles.”

12. Paleo Carrot Cake Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (13)

“Thesepaleo carrot cake cookieslet you enjoy all the classic flavors of the cake minus the grains, dairy and sugar in one healthy bite! You even get that cream cheese frosting flavor too.”

13. Chunky Monkey Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (14)

“You mash some bananas, stir in some delicious and crunchy ingredients, plop onto a baking tray, shape and then bake. You can’t go wrong, you can’t screw it up, and you won’t have to wait long. Just sit back and have a freshly baked, no-effort cookie.This, my friends, is the secret to life.”

14. Skinny Chocolate Turtle Thumbprint Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (15)

“What I love about these cookies is that they [are gluten-free and] taste just like the candies and are a million times easier.I mean let’s face it, I’m no candy making expert.”

15. 5-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (16)

“Before you ask: yes, you can use almond butter or sunbutter in this cookies instead! These cookies are a dream: 1 bowl, a handful of ingredients and a spoon. Plop the dough on the cookie sheet and quickly smash ’em with a fork; don’t worry if they’re imperfect, because imperfect is rustic and rustic is perfection with this recipe.”

16. Healthier Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (17)

“Peanut butter, bananas, and oats! Oh and chocolate chips. How could I forget!?There is literally only4 ingredients in these cookies. FOUR!!!”

More Recipes You May Also Enjoy

  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Lemon Cookies: Delicious Homemade Sugar Cookies!

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16 Healthy Cookie Recipes to Bake Guilt Free (2024)


What is the least fattening cookie? ›

10+ Low-Calorie Cookies
  • Oreo Chunk White Chocolate Chip Cookies.
  • Chocolate Crinkle Cool Whip Cookies.
  • Key Lime Pie Cookies.
  • Peanut Butter Cookies.
  • Oatmeal Cookies Without Eggs.
  • Maple Oatmeal Cookies.
  • White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies (with protein powder)
  • Kitchen Sink Cookies (with protein powder)
Oct 31, 2023

What is the secret to a good cookie? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  • Always use butter.
  • Choose the right sugar.
  • Choose the right flour.
  • Check your flour is in date.
  • Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  • Cream the butter and sugar.
  • Beat in the eggs.
  • Fold in the flour.

Can homemade cookies be healthy? ›

Additionally, you can increase the nutritional value of homemade cookies by substituting ingredients, such as refined sugar and white flour, for healthier alternatives. You can also add nuts, oats, or dried fruit to your chocolate chip cookie for a protein and antioxidant boost.

Is it OK to eat a cookie everyday? ›

While one cookie a day isn't going to completely derail your diet goals, it's often easy to eat more than one at a time, and soon enough, downing quite a few cookies throughout the day could lead to unwanted pounds.

Can you eat cookies while trying to lose weight? ›

Regularly eating foods like cookies, cakes, and pastries can make weight loss difficult. They're often high in calories, sugar, and saturated fat. And large quantities of these foods aren't good for our health. You don't have to completely cut baked sweets from your diet.

Do healthy cookies exist? ›

Most health professionals don't think so. But it is possible to make cookies with health benefits, as long as they include certain ingredients. Specifically, one can follow a recipe that uses grain and seed flours, like quinoa and chia, which favor a healthier use of nutrients in the body.

Are Biscoff cookies bad for you? ›

Contains a high level of saturated fat

Saturated fat is not an essential nutrient and with increasing intakes there is a increased risk of coronary heart disease (IOM 2005a; USDA and DHHS 2010). For this reason it has long been known as a "bad" fat that raises the "bad" cholesterol, LDL.

What is the best oven setting for baking cookies? ›

Cookie temperatures fluctuate, with some recipes as low as 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and a few as high as 425 degrees Fahrenheit, but most recipes land on 375 or 350 to evenly bake the entirety of the cookie.

Should refrigerated cookie dough be brought to room temperature before baking? ›

As a general rule of thumb, you should refrigerate cookie dough for at least 30 minutes and up to 24 hours. More than that, and you won't see a noticeable difference in the final product. Once the dough has chilled, let it warm up at room temperature until it's just pliable (about 5 to 10 minutes).

What is sweet but healthy? ›

Fresh Fruit

It's packed with vitamins and minerals that help your body function. Look for whatever's in season, be it pears, watermelon, or cherries. The fruit will taste better and have more nutrients because it hasn't been processed or preserved. If you can't get fresh fruit, frozen is OK, too.

How can I satisfy my sweet tooth without sugar? ›

10 Healthy Alternatives To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
  1. Fruit. Fruit is nature's candy, after all! ...
  2. Greek Yogurt. Start with plain yogurt (no added flavors or sugars) and then build up from there. ...
  3. Peanut Butter and Banana Ice Cream. ...
  4. Chia Pudding. ...
  5. Low-sugar Popsicles. ...
  6. Nut Butter. ...
  7. Baked Pears or Apples. ...
  8. Chocolate Dipped Banana Bites.
Jan 9, 2023

Are graham crackers healthy? ›

Graham crackers can be healthy if you pair them with high quality sources of protein, fat, and fiber. They can also be high in sugar and low in fiber despite their high carb count, so it may be best to eat them in moderation. That's especially true for people living with diabetes.

Are sugar free cookies healthier than regular cookies? ›

A: Switching to sugar-free cakes and sweets is unlikely to lead to much, if any, weight loss. Sweeteners used in these products usually include a sugar alcohol, such as maltitol or sorbitol, which are not zero-calorie, but about half the calories of sugar.

Are oatmeal cookies healthier than regular cookies? ›

Compared to chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies, oatmeal cookies are marginally more nutritious. Comparing cookies of similar size, an oatmeal cookie has fewer calories than peanut butter or sugar cookies. Oatmeal cookies contain less fat and more protein, fiber and calcium than the others.

Are brownies or cookies healthier? ›

One chocolate chip cookie also has considerably fewer calories than a brownie, with the average brownie containing about 130 calories. Considering that brownies and chocolate chip cookies have comparable nutritional profiles, neither is better for you than the other.


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